Chapter 35: deja vu

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I fucking slept with Garrett again.

God, someone shoot me.

I mean it was great sex, and god when he went down on me. Lord, it was heaven. But then it all went downhill after that, Brennen walked in on us, and then Garrett proceeded to ask if we were back together.

Which is a definite no. No way in hell, not after the shit he pulled. How could he even think that I'd just trust him like that again? And then he tells me he loves me? Ugh, he's so stupid sometimes.

I walk downstairs, into the living room and freeze when I see everyone and Brennen sitting on the couch watching tv. They all look at me and Chris lets out a chuckle.

"Hi, Tay-Tay." He sings.

I roll my eyes.

"Shut up." I say as I walk over to the couch and sit next to him.

"Nice hickey." He says.

I glare at him just as Garrett walks back into the room. He looks at me and I look away, nope. I'm not attracted to him. I was just horny, I could've hooked up with any of the guys in this room, but I'm not horny anymore so it's whatever.

I focus my gaze on the horror movie on the tv screen as he walks over to me and sits down next to me. I cross my arms over my chest and act like he wasn't even there.

"Turn the lights off." Garrett announces.

"Oooo, yeah." Chris says as he gets up and runs to turn the lights off.

The room went dark, the only light was the tv screen. I look at Brennen whose face was lit by the screen.

He looks at me and I feel guilt creep through me. Did he actually love me? He couldn't.

My thoughts disappear when I feel something brush against the side of my neck, I glance over and see Garrett's arm over the back of the couch and the tips of his fingers slowly moved up and down my shoulder and neck.

I suck in my breath as he scoots closer to me. I don't look at him as he leans closer until his lips meet the side of my neck and he places a gentle kiss.

Oh fuck.

Hold it together, Taylor. He's not even that attractive.

Yes, he is.

No. He's messing with me, I don't care. Not attractive.

So fucking attractive.

I try my best not to give him a reaction as he pulls away. I looked around at everyone else, Jake and Lily were cuddling up on the bean bag and Chris was laying on his stomach on the chaise of the L shaped couch. I glanced at Brennen who was sitting on the loveseat, focused on the movie. No one noticed anything that was happening which was a relief but it meant that Garrett would keep trying to mess with me.

I look over at him and see him staring at the screen before he looks at me and smirks.

I give him a pointed look before focusing my gaze back on the screen. I hear him move a little before I feel someone grab my hand, I look down and watch as Garrett takes my hand and places it on his hardened dick. I stare at it through his sweatpants and feel it against the palm of my hand.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I look at him and see him staring at me.

I pull my hand away and look back in front.

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