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Mizuko sighed after hearing Midnight's explanation of the Calvary battle.

Great. Now to find a team to work with. It's like the nightmares of being picked last for dodgeball in middle school all over again

She noticed Midoriya was alone. She had hesitancies because of the big bounty of ten million points on his head and she would have to work harder to keep the other competitors away. However, she felt like that was her only option. She walked towards the green haired friend only to be met by some hand wrapping around her shoulder and forcefully pulling her back.

She whipped her head and saw the last person she expected.

"Bakugo?! What gives? I'm trying to find a team!" He would never want to team up. Standing beside him was her close friend Kirishima and Sero.

"What the hell do you think I just did? You found a team. Your water powered blasts will pair well with my quirk here, seaweed."

She looked puzzled. Was he complimenting her and actually wanted to team up with her?

"Hell yeah, let's get the ten million points!" Kirishima fist pumped.

"Oh yeah!" Sero joined.

"I never thought you'd be nice to me Bakugo!" She laughed.

Bakugo got all upset and was waving his hands. "I need you to beat Deku and that icyhot bastard! Besides I have a plan. I'll be the rider. Tape guy will be the one to pull me back once I launch off with my blasts to get those headbands. Dumb hair is our defense and can handle my blasts. Finally, seaweed, you're our offense. I didn't know you how powerful your quirk could be. Didn't expect it when you could only produce a damn stream in that one exercise!"

And why did I take that as a backhanded compliment? No matter, I have to prove to Bakugo that he made the right decision.

Midnight called everyone to the start. Bakugo was the rider while Mizuko was on the right, Sero was on the left, with Kirishima holding Bakugo up in the front. She looked up at Bakugo, he was angry and focusing on the boy worth ten million points.


They started charging at Deku. But then Deku was flying in the air away from everyone. Bakugo blasted up close to him and tried to grab the headband but Dark Shadow blocked him. Quickly, Sero wrapped his tape around Bakugo and brought back to his rider position.

"Woah, nice catch Sero!" Mizuko chimed in.

"Yeah seriously!" Kirishima joined in.

All of sudden a presence came by the group and they realized a person from class 1B swiped all of their headbands.

How did he do that?! We have zero points now

"Your class is too small minded, think bigger." The blonde acted all smug.

Bakugo wasn't having it. "Get back here!"

The blonde explained that he and his class did average in the first event so he could observe everyone in class 1A's quirks and keep theirs a surprise. It was a brilliant plan honestly but it wasn't great for Mizuko. She saw the guy called Monoma tie her headband on his neck.

"You're kinda famous for being attacked by that sludge villain, gotta stop playing the victim." He finished Bakugo off with a dagger.

Mizuko could feel Bakugo getting hotter with anger. Only Mizuko could piss him off like that and she wanted to knock this guy down a peg.

"Kirishima. Shirakumo. Sero. We have a change of plans. Before we take down Deku, we will take down everyone in 1B!"

I don't think I have ever seen Bakugo so scary. He also just called me by my name.. he must be serious.

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