Fly Away, Little Bird

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Mizuko didn't waste a moment after hearing that this strange masked man was after her for a certain "bounty". She stopped her water quirk and summoned her clouds to fog up the alley. She was thinking that if he couldn't see her, she couldn't be shot. The fog quickly filled the alley with her golden clouds. She started backing up to head back to the street to get help.

Why is it no matter where I go, I always find someone that doesn't like me?

Mizuko started walking backwards, not wanting to have her back to the man with a gun. She was hopeful he couldn't see her. She started picking up the pace but froze when she felt and heard a bullet pass by her face. She felt the heat from the bullet pass by.

"I guess you want to do this the hard way." Mizuko could see him come into view.

Mizuko conjured up her water and thought back to Endeavor's training- she remained focused and concentrated her water to attack him. The blast of the water made his back hit the wall of the alley and made the cloud fog go away. He slid down and pointed his gun at Mizuko again and shot a bullet at her leg.

Mizuko had to think quickly. She used her ocean quirk and put up a wall of water and froze it to act as a barrier. The bullet hit the ice wall and shattered it to pieces. The ice flew everywhere in the alley. Mizuko gritted her teeth and sent another concentrated blast of water at him, directly at the hand holding the gun.

He was hit and dropped the gun. The gun slid down the dark alleyway.

"What bounty are we talking about?" Mizuko was furious at this man for attacking her. She needed answers as to what the hell he was saying.

The masked man just chuckled. "Certain people don't want you testifying soon. It would be a shame if something happened. Plus you would be useful for our boss. Now you tell me, what are your weaknesses?"

Why the hell would I tell him that?

"I put other people above myself. I will do something reckless if it means to save someone. And I would do anything for Todoroki Shoto." She felt like she had no control over what she said. She covered her own mouth after she was done talking. Why did she say all that?

"Hey! It's the police! Back away from the girl!" Mizuko and the man looked down the alleyway and saw the police. They must have heard the fight go on.

The masked man jumped onto the dumpster down the alley and then leaped off of that to get onto the roof. He peered down at his blue haired target. "Thanks for telling me how to get to you, Shirakumo."

The police watched as he ran away. The police then ran up to Shirakumo and saw the gun on the ground.

"Did he try hurting you? Do you have your provisional license to be using your quirk to fight back?" The police interrogated her as they grabbed the gun.

Mizuko groaned. She was shot at and all they cared about was making sure she had her license on her. Great priorities there.  She had reached into her black bag and pulled out the little card that said "Provisional License: Hero Name- Aqua."  She handed it to the police officer in front of her. He put his flashlight on to inspect it.

"Hey she just beat a villain that threatened to shoot her and you're worried about her license? Give my work study student a break, guys." She heard an unfamiliar yet familiar voice. It then hit her like a ton of bricks who that voice belonged to.

She saw down the alley that the voice belonged to the current number two hero, Hawks! She stood amazed as his red feathers danced around him as he walked towards her while slicking his hair back with his left hand. She was always a fan of his and she was getting starstruck.

Drowning. (Shoto Todoroki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now