Mizuko awoke back in that dark void. She blinked a few times as she was confused as she was just in a purple chamber in Dr. Garaki's lab. Was she dead? Was she dreaming? Or was she really back in the last place she wanted to be?Where's All For One? Sick bastard would usually be here by now.
A gust of wind blew past her causing her to wince and shield her eyes with her arms. She couldn't see for a moment but when she opened her eyes she saw someone that surprised her more than All For One- it was Oboro.
She covered her mouth as she audibly gasped. She couldn't believe it. She thought she was really dead now.
"Uncle Oboro...? Am I dead?" She asked with sadness filling her heart. She could only imagine the pain of Shoto, Aizawa, Bakugo, and everyone else.
Oboro just laughed at her. "Nope. Plus, remember I'm not dead or alive. I'm in some limbo. My soul that you see here lives deep in my quirk as All For One suppressed it live to here. This is where I was locked away before you helped me take control for a moment back with Shota and Hizashi."
Mizuko cocked her eyebrow up. But this is her quirk.
"But this is my quirk. So why am I seeing you if you say this is your quirk?"
Oboro threw his hands up in the air. "I'm sure when All For One had your quirk, he also mixed it with part of mine. Our quirks are connected now. Some might call me a vestige. But I don't care about terms. I'm just happy I can now look out for you a little bit and get to know my niece a little."
Mizuko could see how guilty he felt that he couldn't protect her from the future. But seeing him just made her more confused and she had so many more questions.
"Where's All For One? If he finds me in here, he's going to take control and make me that human Nomu. I need to get back to Shoto and everyone." She panicked.
Oboro then walked over to her and patted her head. He then ruffled her hair up.
"Now that I found you in this dark void, I'm protecting you from him. He won't get to you as long as I'm here to fight him off. This is our quirk Mizuko so he's weak when I'm here. Even when you wake up, I'll still be living here and fighting off All For One's control from in here. It's thanks to you for reaching out for me when I was lost so deep in here"
Mizuko then wrapped her arms around her uncle and was holding back sobbing. She didn't have to worry about her hatred taking her over now that Oboro was awoken. He was going to protect her from All For One. She could finally breathe a little easier.
But dread still loomed over her body of how she was going to escape the doctor. Even if Oboro could ward off All For One's hold on her quirk, he couldn't fight off Dr. Garaki forcefully making her become the human Nomu.
Mizuko then started feeling like she couldn't breathe. She then saw everything start to fade away- the darkness and Oboro. She blinked and she felt like she was transported back to reality.
"Uncle Oboro!!" She called out as she faded away
When Mizuko awoke, she felt surging pain throughout her whole body. She felt like little razor blades had come across her face, arms, and legs. She lifted her head up from the ground and saw what looked to be a miracle. She saw that she was laying on the floor of the lab in shards of glass while doused in the purple liquid. The cuts she felt must have been from the broken capsule she was in. She was bleeding from where the glass cut her.
She glanced up to see Mirko. She felt like she was going to be sick seeing her. She was being dragged back by something that was stabbing through her one leg and one arm. Blood was all over her. Hell, she was even missing an arm. But despite all that, Mirko had a smile of determination on her face. It was almost inspirational.

Drowning. (Shoto Todoroki x OC)
FanfictionShirakumo Mizuko. The niece of Shirakumo Oboro has a lot of expectations to live up to. She just wants to be a hero who saves people. But Todoroki Shoto captures her attention while she is learning more of who she is and figuring out her family's se...