Mizuko went to find All Might and Present Mic in the stands. She found them waiting for her nearby the steps along with someone that she wasn't expecting to see-her former mentor and Shoto's father- Endeavor. Mizuko had mixed feelings regarding him. He was an asshole of a father but he helped Mizuko with her quirk and found a way for her friends to support her during the trial.Mizuko had waved awkwardly at him as she was getting closer. "It's been a bit, Endeavor. You left abruptly after the trial and I never got to thank you for helping get Shoto and my friends there." She was sincere in her words.
Endeavor thought back to her trial. He left without saying goodbye because he kept picturing that annoying girl as a scared little kid crying. He would never admit it but it pained him to visualize a small Mizuko crying out for help.
It made him think of his own Shoto and Toya. The Todoroki and Shirakumo households were so similar and Endeavor could've had a similar ending to her parents which terrified him.
Endeavor just grunted. "I don't know what you mean. I was involved in your case the moment you became my intern so I wanted to see it until the end. I thought it would've been good for Shoto and the other UA students to see how the justice system works. Don't get it twisted in your head, water brat, nothing more than that." His words were cold but they weren't genuine.
Mizuko frowned while Present Mic and All Might awkwardly stood by.
"You never were the warm and fuzzy type, were you?" She made a snide remark.
Endeavor decided to ignore her comment while Present Mic suggested they go sit down.
All four of them climbed the steps to the seated area. Once at the top of the steps, Mizuko saw Bakugo and Shoto in their hero costumes down below along with the Shiketsu students. She also saw Mera was still involved. She thought the poor guy just needed sleep and yet here he was again.
She was so proud of Shoto as well Bakugo for being able to have this chance to get their licenses again. She wanted to wave and wish them luck but she didn't want to embarrass them or bring unwanted attention to them.
"Okay, let's try and keep a low profile." All Might whispered. Yeah good idea in theory, just a casual day hanging out with the current number one and former number one heroes along with the hero whose quirk literally makes it impossible for him to be quiet.
Mizuko and Present Mic nodded while Endeavor didn't fully understand what being low profile meant.
Endeavor took a deep breathe in before yelling out, "Shotoooo! You never should've failed the initial exam in the first place! Show these weaklings you're in a completely different league!"
Mizuko facepalmed while Present Mic and All Might followed suit. So much for keeping a low profile.
She could see Shoto's face get angry as he turned away from all of them. He hated that the other students were pointing him out as Endeavor's son, that's all he was ever known as.
"Quit making a scene." She jabbed the number one hero in the side with her elbow
Endeavor glared down at her. "You mean like you did during the Sports Festival?"
Mizuko sent him a glare back. She remembered screaming out to Shoto to use his left side when he was going to lose to Midoriya and the cameras captured it all. She felt embarrassed telling the whole world how much she cared for Shoto but it did help Shoto realize he didn't have to do things alone and he could use his left side. She would do it again in heartbeat since it saved him from himself.
"Just don't ruin this for Shoto." She said before she stomped off to a seat. Present Mic followed right after her.
As she sat in her seat, the other students were amazed and pointing at Endeavor. It wasn't everyday the number one hero comes to watch some hero training. Mizuko just rolled her eyes at them admiring him.

Drowning. (Shoto Todoroki x OC)
FanficShirakumo Mizuko. The niece of Shirakumo Oboro has a lot of expectations to live up to. She just wants to be a hero who saves people. But Todoroki Shoto captures her attention while she is learning more of who she is and figuring out her family's se...