chapter 55

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"Oh, poor Kaitoooo!" I wailed dramatically, my eyes going wide as they filled up with 'tears

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"Oh, poor Kaitoooo!" I wailed dramatically, my eyes going wide as they filled up with 'tears.' I sighed slowly, throwing myself backwards as I acted like some stupidass princess mourning her prince charming, despite the fact that my prince charming probably wanted nothing to do with me. "A shame! A pity! A terrible, terrible TRAGEDDYYYYY!!"

Shuichi kind of just stood there and looked like he wanted to jump off a bridge! And he was contemplating his life choices, and I mean, who wouldn't in this situation? I wonder what was going through his head! "...Yeah... poor Kaito..."

I felt a shiver go through my body as I realized I was being watched. I mean, yeah, obviously I'm being watched, my every move is being broadcast to adoring fans all over the globe, but damn, if you're gonna stare at me... actually, wait, no, I don't care how you stare at me, as long as you stare at me. "For the Ultimate Assassin, you sure aren't very discreet, Maki..."

"Shuichi, I expected, but you...?" Maki trailed off, before going quiet and her expression... softening? Man, everyone here is kind of stupid, aren't they? Or... ah, wait, those tears are the reason they still have some sort of idiotic faith that I'm a good person. A good... person... Damn. Everyone here is just as delusional as Kaito. "...I guess that idiot wasn't completely deluded after all."

No, you're just as deluded as he is. I thought, as I smiled blankly. "Huhh? I only came here because our local suicidal detective begged me to. Get your facts straight, Maki! I hope death made your boyfriend wise up a little."

"Ah- that's..." Shuichi stammered, jolting up at the new nickname.

I saw the girl's jaw tighten, but as I braced myself for her lovely catchphrase, "Do you want to die," but oh, it never came. What was she trying to accomplish with this? Was she so deluded to the point where she was trying to honor a dead man's wish? "...Sometimes, I wonder how he could sense the 'good' in you, but... he did that for me, too. And... if he hadn't been my friend, I would be..."

I raised an eyebrow, tilting my head to the side. I don't know if I should feel insulted or flattered or something, but I know damn well that I feel annoyed. Angry. Angry, maybe- is it at the sheer stupidity of humanity, or is it because I'm human too, and I'm equally stupid as them all? "Dead like him? Damn right you would be!" I placed a hand on my chest awkwardly, sighing dramatically. "...Oh weeeelll, at least you'll remember him, right?"

"..." Maki exhaled, shutting her eyes. "I don't think I'll be able to forget him, even if I wanted to. I can't remember the last time I ever cried that hard... I wonder how long it's been."


...You don't have to be only remembered for your mistakes...?

Kaito- he-... Maki said that she wouldn't be able to forget about him, even if she wanted to. He didn't do anything 'bad', did he? Well, other than not giving up on me and putting his faith in me, he didn't- oh, I'll never forget Kaito until the day I die, too. Which isn't very far away, now that I think about it.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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