1~ Shadows of Power

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Authors pov

The cold streets of Seoul held secrets whispered only by the wind, secrets known to a few and feared by many. The Bang Tang Mafia Gang reigned supreme in this underworld, their influence spreading like a virus through the city's veins. Ruthless and unforgiving, they were known for their efficiency, brutality, and the cold calculation with which they approached their business. To cross them was to sign one’s death warrant.

Inside a nondescript warehouse on the outskirts of the city, the gang was in the midst of their latest operation. The warehouse, a fortress of concrete and steel, was the heart of their empire, where deals were made, orders were given, and blood was spilled. The gang members—Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook—were gathered around a long metal table, discussing the final details of an impending drug deal.

Namjoon, the leader, sat at the head of the table, his sharp eyes scanning the faces of his subordinates. His presence commanded respect; he was the brains behind their operations, and his word was law. Jin, the strategist, sat beside him, calculating and composed, his mind always three steps ahead. Yoongi, the enforcer, leaned back in his chair, his expression dark and unreadable, but his fingers drummed rhythmically against the table, a sign of his restless energy. Taehyung, their hacker, was focused on the laptop in front of him, his fingers dancing across the keyboard as he monitored their communications. Jimin, the seducer, wore a smirk on his lips, while Jungkook, the youngest and most unpredictable, sat with a dangerous gleam in their eyes.

“Everything’s in place,” taehyung murmured, his eyes fixed on the screen. “The buyer is set to meet us at the dock tomorrow night. No signs of a double-cross.”

“They wouldn’t dare,” Yoongi muttered, a dark chuckle escaping his lips. “They know what happens to those who try.”

But as the gang finalized their plans, a different matter required their immediate attention. Seokjin, with his keen intuition, had suspected something was off with one of their suppliers—a man named Han who had been working with them for months. Jin’s suspicions were confirmed when Hoseok intercepted a communication from Han, revealing his intention to scam the gang and steal the drugs they were planning to sell.

“Han thinks he’s clever,” Jin said, his voice cold and detached. “But he’s about to learn the price of betrayal.”

Namjoon’s expression darkened. “Bring him in,” he ordered.

Within minutes, Han was dragged into the warehouse by two of the gang’s henchmen, his face pale with fear. He was thrown to the ground in front of the gang, his hands tied behind his back, his breathing ragged. The silence in the room was suffocating as the gang members looked down at the man who had dared to cross them.

Namjoon stood, his movements slow and deliberate, as he approached Han. “You tried to scam us,” he said, his voice low and deadly. “You thought you could steal from us and get away with it?”

Han’s voice trembled as he spoke. “Please… it was a mistake. I didn’t mean to—”

“Silence!” Yoongi’s voice cut through the air like a knife. He stepped forward, his eyes narrowing as he looked down at Han. “You think we’re fools? You think we wouldn’t find out?”

Han shook his head frantically, tears streaming down his face. “Please, I’ll do anything! Just let me go!”

“Anything?” Taehyung echoed, a cruel smile playing on his lips. “What could you possibly offer us that would make up for your betrayal?”

“We’re not interested in your pathetic excuses,” Jungkook sneered, his fists clenched at his sides. “We’re interested in making an example out of you.”

Namjoon nodded, his expression void of any sympathy. “Do it,” he said, his voice calm and authoritative.

Without hesitation, Yoongi pulled out a knife, the blade glinting in the dim light of the warehouse. He knelt beside Han, gripping the man’s hair and forcing him to look up at him.

“Let me show you what happens to those who betray us,” Yoongi whispered before driving the knife into Han’s side.

Han’s scream echoed through the warehouse, a sound of pure agony as the blade sliced through flesh. Yoongi twisted the knife slowly, savoring the pain that rippled through Han’s body. The other gang members watched in silence, their faces devoid of emotion as they witnessed the brutal punishment being delivered.

“You thought you could steal from us,” Yoongi continued, his voice eerily calm. “You thought you could make a fool out of the Bang Tang Mafia Gang. But you were wrong, Han. So very wrong.”

With a swift motion, Yoongi pulled the knife out, blood splattering across the cold concrete floor. He stood, wiping the blade clean on Han’s shirt before handing it to Taehyung.

“Your turn,” Yoongi said, his eyes locking with Taehyung’s.

Taehyung took the knife, his expression one of detached cruelty as he stepped forward. He didn’t hesitate as he drove the blade into Han’s thigh, cutting deep and twisting the knife with a sadistic grin.

Han screamed again, his body convulsing with pain as he begged for mercy. But there would be none. The gang members took turns, each delivering their own brand of punishment, cutting into Han’s flesh with precision, ensuring that he felt every ounce of pain before the end.

As blood pooled around Han’s broken body, Namjoon finally spoke. “Enough.”

Jin stepped forward, a gun in his hand, and with one final shot to the head, Han’s suffering came to an end. The silence that followed was heavy, the only sound the slow drip of blood hitting the floor.

“Clean this up,” Namjoon ordered the henchmen as he turned away, his face a mask of indifference.

As the gang members left the warehouse, the scent of blood lingered in the air, a reminder of the brutal power they wielded and the price of betrayal.

For the Bang Tang Mafia Gang, this was just another day. Another life ended, another message sent. And in the shadows of Seoul, their legend of fear and power continued to grow.

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