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Chapter sixty eight

"This isn't a goodbye." 

Walking through the woods, Katniss wasn't far from alexandria, but she didn't wanna go back yet, the saviors outpost's were taken down and Negan and who else was in his the compound were trapped by walkers, so now she didn't know what was left for her, she barely even knew who she was anymore, having grabbed a stick off the ground, she had sharpened it, as she was tracking some kind of animal, she wasn't quite sure what, but as she heard it scampering across the ground, she threw her spear, hearing a squeak, she walked over to it and as she did, she saw a rabbit, she grabbed her spear and pulled the rabbit off the end of it, as she began walking off.

Where she had made camp, she gutted her rabbit and made a fire, cooking it, she ate it and snuffed out the fire before night fall and spent the night lying against a tree, not sleeping, she grabbed onto her mockingjay necklace, where it used to mean so much to her but now all it was, was an awful reminder of what her and Carl, which was something she hadn't thought about in a while, so she decided that when she got back to alexandria that she was gonna talk to him.

So, as morning came, she was still walking through the woods, she heard walkers, as she ran in that direction, walkers were everywhere, as she noticed the man her and Rick shot at the other day fighting them off, she then noticed Carl down on the ground with a walker on top of him, as ran over, tackling it off of him, as she stabbed it in the head, Carl shot the one that was coming toward's them, as all of them were dead, Katniss was looking at her arm seeing the bite "Katniss." Carl told her, stepping toward's her, he reached his hand out to her, as Katniss quickly spun around "so while we've all been out there risking our lives for something that actually matters! You've been coming out here, helping him!" she voiced, holding her arm out to the man.

"I, um, I'm Siddiq." Siddiq told her, as Katniss aimed her gun at him "shut up! I'm not talking to to you!" she voiced, as she looked back at Carl "he needed my help." Carl told her "I needed your help!" Katniss voiced, as the two stared at each other, Katniss began to realize what kind of conversation the two needed to have as she took a deep breath "things have been different between us for a long time now even more so since I got back. And I don't think space is enough anymore." she shared "I know." Carl told her, his voice breaking when he did "so I have to let you go." Katniss told him, her voice breaking, she stepped away from him and began walking off, knowing if she stayed there any longer she'd cry, as she ripped the mockingjay necklace off and dropped it, continuing to walk off.

Having made it back, according to the person on watch, Michonne and Rosita had headed out yesterday and not that long ago today, Daryl had headed back out with Tara, she knew it was cause he didn't agree with Rick's plan to just leave the saviors trapped in the compound, waiting for them to surrender, making it back into her room, she closed the door for the first time and leaned against it and and when she did, she started crying, as she slid down it and onto the floor.

But soon she stopped crying and as she did, she got up and went toward's her closet, opening it, she grabbed the two duffel bags inside, heading out of the house, she began walking down the street, heading toward's the armory, she went down the stairs and swung the door open, walking in, she unzipped one of the bags and threw it to the ground where her bow an arrow was inside of it along with others weapons, as she began grabbing grenades and smoke bombs from the shelves putting them in her duffel bag, she then closed it back up and put it around her, as she headed to the food pantry next, she put the full duffel bag down and opened the empty one and began to fill it with all the food they had left.

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