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Chapter seventy four

"It will never be enough."

Rick. Rick was..delusional and it made him..problematic..not just because he believed the world could be at peace with Negan alive and the saviors but because he now thought they all could come together and rebuild a bridge, and all included Katniss and her people, where when she put the idea out to her people, many agreed, for one reason, and one reason only, wait for a savior to be alone and kill them, so that's what they did, and for an entire month nobody had found out.

Where her and her people were working on the bridge, they weren't wearing their masks but still had the blood over their eyes, as Katniss had a grey cape on the hood was covering her head, Carl who was working off to the left kept looking at her, it was strange seeing her again after all this time, but he wasn't the only one fascinated by her, Henry, who from that night she had stopped him from killing one of those saviors and then saved him in the next had developed a crush on her, believing they could rule side by side when he was old enough.

And as they all continued hammering the pieces of wood, the sound of someone hitting the ground caught their attention, as they all turned and saw Henry on the ground and Justin, one of the saviors, drinking from the bucket of water that was meant for everyone, Henry got up and pulled out his bow staff and hit Justin in the leg, sending him to the ground, he grabbed the bucket of water and walked off to refill it, the other saviors laughed, as one of them walked up to Justin "ahh. Hey, man, it's cool. I got my ass handed to me by a kid one time, too." another savior shared, helping him up "of course, I was six at the time." he added on.

As Justin walked off to go after Henry, Katniss walked after him, as Alden and the rest of her people followed her, Katniss grabbed Justin's arm "don't touch him." she told him "why don't you go back to being dead? Before I make it permanent." Justin told her, as he pulled his arm out of her's and turned to go after Henry "same goes for you!" Katniss voiced, and when she did, Justin turned around and swung on her, Katniss ducked and punched him in the face, Justin fell back into the pile of sand, he grabbed a handful and threw it at her and got up, running at her, he tackled her to the ground.

And when he did, Alden moved toward's them but as he did, the savior who had helped Justin up ran at him and slammed him into the bridge, where the others then went at the rest of her people, where a whole fight broke out, the sound of punching could be heard, as Katniss kicked Justin in the chest, he got off of her, as she stood up, punching him in the face.

Rick and Eugene were running toward's them all "hey! Hey! Break it up!" Rick voiced, as fists continued flying, others were behind held back against the side of the bridge while others got thrown on the ground, Rick pushed through everyone watching "break it up right now!" he voiced, as Justin punched Katniss in the face, Rick then grabbed onto him, throwing him back, Katniss lunged toward him, as Rick stood in her way "I said enough! I said enough!" he voiced, holding his hand out, he turned to Katniss "enough." he told her, as Katniss stared into his eyes "it will never be enough!" she voiced, stepping around him, she began walking off the bridge, as Alden and her people followed her.

Having gone back to their camp, they all had cleaned up from the fight, and decided they weren't gonna work for the rest of the day, as they were getting lunch, some of them were laughing with their friends while others were sitting off with the person they loved, as Cyndie from oceanside came walking up to Katniss "I heard Carol talking to Rick, they know that the six saviors that went awol didn't make it back to the sanctuary." she shared "which means if we kill another one they're gonna start questioning who did it." Katniss shared "but we can't stop. Not after what they did on the bridge today. You gave my people love, friendship and family when they thought that was all gone." Cyndie shared "then we won't." Katniss told her, handing her food.

Where that night, Justin was walking down the road heading back to the sanctuary, and as he stopped and continued to drink from the bottle of alcohol, Cyndie, Katniss, Alden and the others were wearing their masks, as they walked out of the woods and began to circle around him, Justin brought down the bottle and furrowed his brows as he looked at them all "what the hell?" he asked, going to pull out his machete, two of them came up behind him, kicking him in the legs, he fell down to his knees, as one of them began tying his hands behind his back "help!" Justin called out, as the two pulled him up.

They began dragging him into the woods "somebody help me!" Justin called out, as they made it to a tree stump, the two shoved him down on the ground "who exactly do you thinks gonna help you?" Katniss asked, as Alden held out the sheath, Katniss pulled the sword out "you know what? I don't give a shit! I'm not gonna beg!" Justin voiced, as Cyndie grabbed him and slammed him down on the tree stump "your dad almost killed me over nothing and now your gonna do the same thing!" Justin voiced, laughing, Katniss lifted the sword above her head "I sentence you to death." she shared, swinging her sword down and cutting his head clean off.

Setting the fire, Cyndie was holding the head while Bea was carrying the body, the two threw it into the fire and as they did, they all stood around and watched it burn, where when it was done, bones and all, they snuffed out the fire and walked back to camp.

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