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Chapter sixty seven

"If we burn, you burn with us."

Gunfire could be heard in the distance from the others having circled around back, as Katniss, Rick and Daryl headed toward's the front door with three others "should we retreat?" one of the one's at the door asked "stay where you are. Do not say another word." a women over the walkie said, as Katniss and Rick shot the two standing guard, their bodies fell down, as Katniss opened the door, she walked in, along with Rick and Daryl, where it was clear, as she whistled, they moved further in, as the three followed them.

They turned heading left down the hallway, they stopped as Rick pointed to the right "you signal if they're already inside. We'll be there." he shared, as the three others headed that way "come on. Let's fine them guns." Daryl shared, as him, Katniss and Rick continued going straight.

They then checked the entire floor but Katniss and Daryl couldn't find anything, as the two began walking back toward's Rick, where as they turned the corner, Rick aimed his gun at them "ain't on this floor." Daryl shared "only option is up." Rick told them, bringing the gun down "high ground, good cover." Daryl shared "well seems like they've learned from last time." Katniss shared "stairs." Daryl told them, motioning to the door, eh went to open it but it was locked, as he stepped back and began to kick the door in.

But they couldn't get up, where the three had to climb up the elevator shaft, as Daryl pushed open the doors, he threw his crossbow up and pushed himself up, turning around, he held his hand out, as Katniss took it, he pulled her up, and as Katniss landed on her feet, she aimed her gun to the hallway, while Daryl helped Rick up, they then moved into the hallway, Daryl and Katniss looked left while Rick looked right "last floor. The guns gotta be up here." Rick told them "he said they'd be here." Daryl shared "everything else he passed you is checking out." Rick shared "he's a piece of shit." Katniss said.

"Those guns get to the sanctuary, they could cut through those walkers and free up an exit. We'll go faster if we split up. I find the m2's, you two find em, we use em, hit the courtyard right then and there." Rick shared "end this quick." Daryl told him, as Katniss headed down the hallway, he followed her.

The two made it to a closed door, Daryl kicked it in, as him and Katniss walked in, there was nobody there, as Daryl closed the door behind them, Katniss moved forward as he followed behind her, they passed all the cubicles yet nobody was there, as they made it to another closed door, Katniss opened it and as she did, her and Daryl looked inside finding nothing but an empty can, a sandwich on a plate and handcuffs attached to a pole, meaning whoever had been in here had been treated just like the two of them had, Katniss then closed the door.

Where no matter where they looked they couldn't find the guns but what her and Daryl did find was a bunch of explosives set up "what the hell?" Daryl asked, and when he did, Katniss noticed a note, as she walked over to it and picked it up, it read, if we burn, you burn with us, looking down she saw the remote to detonate it underneath it, although Daryl had found the crate and as he looked at the lid, he noticed the mockingjay symbol drawn in blood, he turned and looked at Katniss "you've got something you wanna tell me?" he asked her "that every outposts has a set of explosives just like these and a group of rebels to set them off." Katniss told him, as she grabbed the remote, she turned walking out of there and as she did, Daryl followed after her.

Having headed in the direction Rick was, another voice could be heard "I'm the one holding the gun. That doesn't make me any worse than you, Rick..that just makes me luckier. Cause let's face it, if it wasn't me, if it was you holding the gun, I'd be brains out on the floor right now." the man shared "you don't know that." Rick told him "and you do? Huh?" the man asked "I know I wouldn't want to." Rick told him "come in. Is that the best you can do?" the man asked "I'd..I'd at least try to find another way." Rick shared "yeah? Why? Cause we knew each other for a few days back at the start?" the man asked "look, I know. I..I wouldn't..I wouldn't just.." Rick was saying "you want to know what I think? I think you can talk all you want. You can say all the words. Lori, Shane, Andrea, Glenn..they're all dead, and somewhere along the way, officer friendly died right along with em. Just like I did with them. That's what I know, Rick." the man shared, as a gun went off, the man's body fell to the ground.

As Rick then saw Katniss standing there with her gun raised and Daryl behind her "you good?" Daryl asked, as Rick looked at them with wide eyes "that..that was.." he was saying "I know who it was. It don't matter. Not one little bit. You find them guns?" Daryl asked "they aren't here." Rick told them "what?" Daryl and Katniss asked, as Rick crouched down, grabbing his gun and putting it in his holster 'he called the saviors back from the courtyard." he shared, grabbing his riffle, he then grabbed the dead man's gun "we gotta get out before.." he was saying, as a door thudded open in the distance.

Katniss and Daryl moved by the wall to look out "they're here." Rick told them "looks like those explosives are gonna come in handy." Daryl shared "explosives?" Rick asked "long story. Not enough time. I'll hold em off. You two just get yourselves and anyone else out of here before I blow it." Katniss shared, turning and heading into the hallway, Daryl stepped out "Katniss!" he called out, as Katniss stopped and looked to him "don't blow yourself up, all right." he told her "promise." Katniss told him, turning and running off.

But as Katniss made it to the hallway, they were all in, she aimed her gun at the fire extinguisher shooting it, giving herself cover, she heard footsteps behind her, as she spun around, shooting the two, gunfire then came from behind her, as she turned around, she saw the two standing there as she shot them, where as two of them began to run up to her, Katniss moved out of the way and as she did, she kicked them sending them both down the elevator shaft and as they did, she then climbed inside of it and began heading down and as she made it back to the bottom, she began running out of the building and as she did, she pressed the button, as the explosives went off, and so did all the other ones at other outposts, where didn't stop running, heading into the woods.

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