My Last 10 Notes

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Chapter One


    "Holy crap!"

    "What? What?"

    "Look slightly to your right."


    "Totally. On a scale of one to ten how-"


    "No, more like 13. Liz, I could die right now!"

    "Me too, Des. Oh he's coming this way! Act cool!" My best friend, Lizzy turned to me and dropped her sunglasses to her face. I did the same, turning away from the Dairy Queen in the middle of the mall to turn to Lizzy. I scooped up a spoonful of ice cream and crammed it in my mouth just as the most hottest guy in the mall walked over to us.

    "Hey, I'm Blake. I was wondering if I could have a couple napkins. They're out of 'em right now." He said, gesturing to Dairy Queen behind him.

    Suddenly, I started to choke on my ice cream, breaking out in a coughing fit, trying to get it out of my throat. I broke out in a cold sweat, terrified that I couldn't breathe. Lizzy saw the look in my eyes and jumped up, raced around to the other side of the table and pounded on my back twice. I swallowed, coughed one last time, and inhaled sharply.

    "Sure, take 'em all, we're done." She said, waving Blake away. I just sat there shaking. From embarrassment or the traumatic event of not being able to breathe, I didn't know. I did know the redness in my face was from embarrassment though.

    "Holy crap! He actually talked to us!" Lizzy squealed after he had left.

   "Yeah and I just sat there choking on a tiny spoonful of ice cream while you saved me! I must have looked like a total idiot!"

    "You were fine. I have $50 left, let's go shopping and forget about it." I smiled at Lizzy's suggestion and nodded. We stood up, threw our trash away and headed to the first clothes shop, Wet Seal. We walked inside and I saw a beautiful spaghetti-strap top hanging on the first rack. I had to try it on! Fringe lept out starting from the center and it went down to the bottom. The straps were removable so you could wear it strapless as well. It also had a build-in bra in case you would wear it strapless. I took it into the dressing room and put it on, coming out to show Lizzy.

    "That's beautiful!" She exclaimed. "Let me see it strapless!"    

    "Sure!" I went back into the dressing room and undid the top two clasps. I couldn't reach the back, so I called out for Lizzy.

    "Liz, I need some help!"

    "Coming!" I unlocked the door for her and she snuck in.

    "I can't reach these. Could you undo them?" She nodded and quickly undid them. As she was pulling them away from their clasps, she got a view down my back.

    "Oh my...Destiny, look!" She turned my back to the mirror at an angle so I could see it. She lifted the shirt up and little brownish-blue dots covered my back.

    "Are those bruises?" I asked.

    "Yeah. Weird, right?" I nodded as she put my shirt down.

    "Where could I have gotten those?"

    "Maybe you moved in your sleep wrong or you were sleepwalking."

    "Maybe." The rest of the day flew by quickly. Nonetheless, I couldn't help but think about those bruises. It took a lot of pressure for me to bruise and I know I surely would've remembered something. Yet, I didn't. I remembered leaning up against one of our old door frames, one that had a lot of uneven patches - maybe that did it. I tried to refocus my mind off my back and into the day.

My Last 10 NotesWhere stories live. Discover now