Chapter 5 - Lizzy

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Chapter Five


    Ever since Destiny got the flu, I knew somehow that something wasn't quite right. I mean, I've seen Des get the flu before, she gets it every year. You see, Destiny hates any type of shot so she refuses to get any. She only gets the shots that are absolutely necessary. But anyway, this was exactly like the flu, but different. Something was off. I was so glad Destiny was going to the doctor. I had wanted to go with, but I had art class. I was in the process of painting something I had made that was going to be her get-well present. Suddenly my phone rang. 

    "Yeah?" I answered, setting my pencil down.     

   "Hey sweetie." My boyfriend, Damien answered.     


  "What's wrong?" He asked, knowing something was up. Damien and I had been together since I first became a freshman. That was 2 years ago. He was a sophomore at the time and was one of the most open-minded, caring and compassinate guy I've ever met. Even around his friends, he acted sweet and protective.     

  "Nothing. Des is still sick."     

 "Is she going to the doctor?" I nodded, then told him verbally, forgetting for the moment that he couldn't hear a nod.     

  "That's good. Seriously, you don't seem yourself babe."     

  "Well, something just I don't know, I can't place it but to me, it seems this isn't just the flu, even though its acting exactly like it." I said, twisting a piece of string around my finger until it turned purple, then releasing, watching the color come back.   

  Damien sighed. "Sounds like you need some company. Want me to come over?"     

 "Yeah." I smiled.     

 "Be there soon." He hung up and I wrapped a blanket around me, getting up and walking to the window, sitting down on the bench built into the wall. Damien lived only 3 blocks away, so we frequently saw each other. We were "joined at the hip" as my mother called it. I imagined us even closer, closer then brothers and sisters.   

  Suddenly the door opened and Damien came over to sit on the bed. He was breathing hard.     

 "Are you ok? Did you run here?!" I exclaimed.     

 "Yeah. So what?" He smiled and kissed me. I laughed.   

  "So what!" I kissed him back.     

 "So, what do you want to do?" He asked, slipping his fingers into mine. I rested my head on his shoulder, sighing, thankful he was here.   

  "I don't know. What do you want to do?"   

  He sat up abruptly. I looked at him. "Come with me. I'll cheer you up." He took my hand and led me out the door, down the stairs, out the door and into his car. He turned the engine on and we drove away from the house.     

  "Wait, wait where are we going?" I laughed.   

  "You'll see." He smiled.   

  Eventually, after about 10 minutes, we came to the old abandonded trailer park. It was surrounded by woods. He parked the car and we got out.   

 "Follow me." He took my hand again and I followed him down into the woods, over a makeshift bridge across a small tributary and finally, into a small fort near the Kingsbury Creek.   

  "What is this?" I asked, stepping inside the little building.     

 "This," he said, slouching on an old lawn chair in the middle of the small little square, "is my Thinking Place. I made it when I was 10, and whenever I needed to think, or vent, I would come here and do exactly that. It's far away from people, so I can scream yell if I was angry or cry if I was sad. It's even got an upstairs, come look." He took my hand again and led me around to a laddar. I pulled back, unsure of how stable it was.     

  "Don't worry. My dad and I made it together. You know he was an expert carpenter. It can support a lot. Come on." I smiled and continued up the ladder, peeking above the floorboards to a cot, a bookshelf, a rug, another lawn chair and a dog bed.     

  "Wow. It' amazing." I looked up and found that he had supported the tarp with a slanted roof. In the middle of the support beams was a piece of rope, which a lantern hung from.   

  "Yeah. I thought you might like it." He settled into the lawn chair and grabbed a book from the bookshelf next to him. I sat down on the cot, surprised how soft it felt. Suddenly, my eyes drooped and I felt an overwhelming sense of fatigue wash over me. I laid down, looking up a the ceiling, which Damien had covered with drawings, crude ones from when he was young, and beautiful pictures of the landscape from very recently. I felt my eyes close and knew I was going to fall asleep. I fought, trying to stay awake. I looked over and Damien came over.     

  "This is why I put the cot up here. The quiet of the woods makes me tired too. Go to sleep. Take a nap, it'll help you get rid of some of your stress." He said, kissing my forehead. He took a blanket hanging on the back of the lawn chair and draped it on top of me. That was the breaking point. I gave in and fell asleep. Succumbing to the relaxing aura of the woods.     

  I suddenly woke up completely and utterly terrified. I had no idea where I was. Then I saw Damien's drawings and relaxed.   

  "Wake up sleepyhead. Feel better?" He asked me, setting his book down.  

  "How long was I out?"   

  He looked at his watch, "About an hour or so. Feel better?"   

  "Yeah. Suprisingly. Is this why you're never mean? Because you come here and it like, totally allows you to let go?" I asked. He shrugged.   

  "Sometimes. Being able to have a place where no one knows is kind of nice." My eyes widened.      "No one knows about this place?" I asked.   

 "Nope. Not even my own parents. I trust you that you'll keep that between us?" I smiled and nodded. He came over and hugged me.     

  "Thank you." He whispered in my ear. I hugged him even tighter.       


Ooh would you look at that? Lizz has a boyfriend! :-) And a secret place in the woods! :) Comment! Vote! Like! 


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