Chapter 34 - Lizzy

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Chapter Thirty Four


    WHAT?! I texted Des.

    YEAH! can you believe it? CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! She was definately freaking out - but had good reason to. The guy she liked had finally asked her out. I knew from looking at them that he was going to sometime but I didn't think it would be this soon! I texted Damien on the side telling him what happened.

    that is awesome! i'm happy for her! do you know where he is taking her? He asked. I texted back saying, no I don't but believe me once I do, I'll be following them!

    haha. I don't think you need to go THAT far babe. ;) I smiled, remembering our first date. Both of us were really nervous and awkward and when it was over, I didn't think we would ever have another one. That was almost 2 years ago. Who knows what can happen on a first date?

    Liz I am going to need your help! Destiny texted back to me.

    help with what? your hair, makeup and clothes? Just be yourself! don't get all glammed up for a date. then it makes you look...oh i don't know....not yourself? Just dress up as if you're going to church. I held my breath and hoped my advice helped her.

    really? I thought you needed to dress up with beautiful, hot sexy clothes and makeup...

    NO WAY! I said. Then it just makes you look like a tramp. YOU are NOT a tramp. Far from it sweetie.

    ok....thanks Lizzy. I gotta go. It's time for me to go to bed. See you tomorrow at school! She said, attaching an emotocon that waved goodbye at me. I laughed and told her "goodnight". My phone buzzed again and I saw a text from Damien.

    so..did you find out where she's going? I might follow

    no sorry babe. :( She wanted advice on her looks. I told her be herself and not to "glam up"

    haha. Remember our 1st date? you were so glammed up and sparkly it was hard to find...YOU under all it lol :D

    I laughed at his recollection of our first date. I had gone all out: makeup, hair, nails, sparkly clothes. And he was very formal - took me to a restraunt. Since then, we've found that "glamming out" is probably not a good thing and we needed to be less formal. I just hoped Destiny figured that out quickly.


Good, whew! Destiny got a little advice for her first date! :) Remember to vote, comment and share! :)


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