Chapter 15 - Destiny

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Chapter Fifteen


    It took only an hour and 15 minutes to get from the Duluth airport to the Minneapolis one. Lizzy, Damien and Anna all came with, mostly following us in Damien's car. The point was they were with me as far as they were allowed to go. 

    When I boarded the plane, I had cried so much that I literally couldn't anymore. I could only cry big dry sobs. When I started, a bunch of people came over and asked if I was ok. I ignored them. Finally after too many people started staring, Lizzy screamed at all of them, "BUG OFF! SHE'S GOING TO THE HOSPITAL IN MINNEAPOLIS AND SHE DOESN'T NEED ANY MORE PRESSURE FROM YOU WEIRDOS. THIS DOESN'T CONCERN YOU! STOP STARING!" For the first time in hours, that actually made me laugh so hard I had to sit down. The look on the people's faces when Lizzy shouted that was priceless. 

    All throughout the airport, Lizzy took a bunch of pictures of all of us. I knew that she would never get rid of them. Then about 15 minutes before I boarded the plane, she went off by herself and watched out the big huge glass windows where you could see the planes coming and going. Even from far away, I could see how her shoulders shook every once in a while. I kept thinking to myself why this happened to me. How had I gotten this? Why did I? I had a feeling the doctors could explain it much better than anybody else could. 

    Right before I boarded the flight, we all hugged and cried and smiled and laughed together. I suddenly remembered a song from Jason Aldean. (What can I say, I'm a country girl!) It was called "Laughed Until We Cried." This one line hit me though. It went like this: Oh man...we were livin'. Sittin' there reminicin'. We sang and talked and traveled back in time...We Laughed Until We Cried.........." Suddenly I burst out into tears again. 

    "Des, what's wrong?" They all asked. I said nothing. I just opened my iPhone, went to YouTube and found the song. I played it and they listened. From the look on their faces, I knew that the song moved them somehow. Especially the part about travelling back in time because that's exactly what we had been doing at this airport, waiting for the airplane to take me away. We all laughed and cried and thought about life. Then an announcement over the loudspeaker turned our thoughts away from the song. It was time to board. 

    I started to cry some more and we all hugged one last time. The last thing I remember at that airport is the faces of Lizzy, Anna and Damien as I turned the corner. Even Damien was crying. Those looks I will carry with me to my grave. 

    The ride from the airport to the hospital is mostly just a blur, but what I do remember is getting multiple texts from Lizzy, Damien and  Anna. Here are just a few: 

    Lizzy: Hey. How was the flight? Miss u already. :( 

    Anna: We all miss you. Hope everything goes well. He're something I found on the Internet that you mite like: "A stranger stabs you in the front; a friend stabs you in the back; a boyfriend stabs you in the heart, but best friends only poke each other with straws." - cool huh? it made me laff. hope it does da same 4 u. good luck. from all of us! :)

    Damien: hey. i cant text much, drivin'. wish u luck. text every day - to all of us. we love u and miss u already! :)

    I read those and cried. I was still crying and laughing from Anna's text quote when we entered the hospital. My mom did all the technical stuff that was needed for admittance. Then they put a wristband on my wrist that had all my technical stuff on it. 

    Finally a nurse came out and helped us find my room. We walked through many long hallways until we passed under a sign that said Oncology. I closed my eyes for a split second, not wanting to believe all of this. I opened them and we turned another hallway until we got to room 582. She opened it and we walked in, flicking on the light. 

    It was a small room, with a bathroom, one bed and a small flatscreen TV attached to the wall. There was a big window to the right of the bed. If you looked through, you could look down and see all the small people and cars. Right under the window was a small loveseat. To the foot of the bed was a small dresser. I threw my duffel bag on the bed, unzipping it. I started taking out clothes and putting them in the different dresser drawers. Finally I took out my laptop and underneath, on the very bottom of the bag was a note. 


    "This is weird." I said, opening it. My mother had gone to fill out more forms and things. I knew right away that the cursive writing was from Anna. She loved writing in cursive. She would only print when she had to. She called cursive writing, "the original way of writing". Both me and Lizzy couldn't do anything but laugh. Yet, Anna stuck by it.  

Dear Destiny,

I hope you have a good time at I hate saying it but I hope it's not as dreaful as I think it is. Please text or email every day, with updates on how things are going. Both medically and non-medically. Did you get a room high up? I know how much you love heights. The feeling you get when you look down at all the tiny people and things. :) 

We are all going to miss you. Please get well and come home soon or else we might have to come get you! 

Love you, 


    The note caused me to start crying. Suddenly, a nurse came in and asked if I was ok. I nodded.     

    "Then why are you crying?" She asked. Her nametag read Paige. Paige looked about 25, and she had long brown hair with blond highlights. She had deep ultramarine blue eyes that focused intently on what interested her. 

    "Just this." I handed her the letter. She read  it and smiled. 

    "Seem's like your friends care very much for you." Paige nodded, sitting on the bed. 

    "You see, all my best friends, Lizzy, Anna and Lizzy's boyfriend, Damien are all back in Duluth. It's just...I miss them so much already!" I started to cry agian. Lately, I have been crying a lot. 

    "Did you know I had to move away from my boyfriend to get this job?" She said. I turned to her. 

    "Yeah. We have been together for 2 years. I moved here about 6 months ago and we have still kept in touch. Webcam, Skype, email, IM, even letters. As long as they care about you, they'll always be close to your heart, no matter where you are." 

    "That's awesome. I don't even have a boyfriend. Well, there is this one guy I like. He works at an ice cream shop back on the corner of where I live. I went there when I got the news I had to come here. I spilled everything to him, not knowing why and he was the sweetest! He listened, like it REALLY interested him and he sat by me and he comferted me. He even gave me his phone number!" 

    "You should text him. Tell him how things are going. That is, if you want. What's his name?" 

    "Emmet. He's kind of cute too." I smiled and blushed. 

    "That's a cute name." She smiled. "I'll be your day nurse so just push this button and I'll come when you need me. I have to go finish my rounds!" She showed me what button to push and then she got up and left, stopping at the door and waving, then disappearing into the hallways. 


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