Chapter 30 - Lizzy

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Chapter Thirty 


     It didn't take that long to get to the house. It was a good thing, too because all of us were so excited for the boat ride. We pulled up to the house and turned around so the back of the truck was pointed towards his garage. I turned the car off and jumped out, along with Anna and Des. 

     Destiny and Anna went and lifted the heavy, ancient garage door while I got back in the truck and backed it as close to the boat as possible. I jumped out and after a lot of pulling, tugging, and grunting, we got the boat hitched to the truck. 

     "Oh my gosh I can't wait!" Destiny squealed. 

     "Me neither!" Anna shouted.

     "Let's go girls!" I revved the engine and we took off to the lake. 

     It didn't take too long with all of us girls in the truck, with the music blasting at its max. I turned the truck around and backed it into the lake. I put it in park and jumped out, unhitching the boat with the help of Anna and Des. I then jumped back into the truck and parked it. We grabbed our food and other bags and jumped into the boat. 

     "You do know how to drive this right?" Anna looked at me with a worried expression.

   "Yeah. Don't worry guys! Where do you want to go?" The lakes around here were all mostly connected by small channels. 

     "How about George Lake?" Destiny suggested.

     "That's kind of secluded..." I said. 

     "How about Berry Lake then?" Anna said, popping up behind us. 

   "Kind of secluded, big and open...sure!" I turned the boat around and we sped towards the interconnecting channels. 

     We finally passed through the last channel and we slowed down as we floated into Berry Lake. We had Destiny's phone playing music and we were singing at the top of our lungs again. 

     "LAST FRIDAY NIGHT YEAH WE DANCED ON TABLETOPS I THINK WE KISSED BUT I FORGOT LAST FRIDAY NIGHT!" We laughed and sang and sang. Suddenly I saw the water ripple unnaturally. 

     "Guys, guys." I said. 

     "What?!" They laughed. 

     "What was that?" 

     "What was what?" 

     "That!" I pointed as the water rippled again this time a fish surfacing. 

     "EEEEWWWW!" Anna shreiked, jumping back and making the boat tip dangerously. 

     "ANNA! Don't do that!" Destiny's hand went to her chest and she took deep breaths as the boat rocked back and forth. 

     "Sorry! It looked like a snake!" 

    "It was a fish!" 


     "You guys are hilarous!" I said, laughing at their funny conversation. 

     "We know." They said together. I laughed harder. Suddenly all our bodies moving at once was too much for the little boat and it started to tip and sway a little too far. 

     "Guys..." I said. They kept laughing at each other's sentences while I realized what was happening. I stood up to calm them down - bad idea. The boat flipped. 

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