Chapter 28 - Destiny

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Chapter Twenty Eight


    Since school wasn't over yet and Lizzy and Anna didn't want to risk skipping any more classes for me, we all decided to wait until school was over before starting my bucket list. My mom wanted to continue homeschooling me but I finally convinced her to let me spend the last school year of my life with my friends. So the following Monday, I went back.

    I was late for school because my mom had to sign some papers and other legal things for me to come back. She gave me a hug, teared up a little and left. I slowly walked down the hall to my classroom, my small heels clicking on the tile floor. I was wearing a black tank top with a tiny white hoodie. I had long skinny jeans completed with black wedges and a white studded belt. 

    For the first time in a long time, I had taken off my scarf. My hair had just started to grow back. I had a little bit - it looked just like I had cut it very very short - like a boy's. It was also very fine. I was very thin and gangly, pale and sick-looking. I hoped no one would make fun of me.

    My classroom was right there. I stood outside the door and took several deep breaths before opening the door and walking in. The whole class fell silent and stared at me. I handed my late slip to the teacher and she gave me a hug.

    "We're all glad you're back Destiny." She said.

    "Thank you." Suddenly, someone in the back of the classroom started to clap. Then another joined in and another and another. Soon the whole class was clapping for me. I started to cry and someone handed me a tissue. Eventually, the class calmed down and I took my seat. School was in session.     After my classes left and lunch came, I found Lizzy at the back of the cafeteria line. She was arguing with one of the jocks. I rolled my eyes and went to calm her down.

    "Don't you ever talk to her! EVER!" She yelled into his face.

    "Well well well. Here comes baldie!" He taunted. I rolled my eyes.

    "You shut your face!" Lizzy spat back. She stood in front of me. I put my hand on her shoulder.

    "Liz, he's just some hunk of testosterone pumped up with drugs. I take pride in the fact he won't even make it to college."

    "Oh I won't will I?" He suddenly lunged towards me and Liz's right fist connected squarely with his jaw and he went down - hard. He tried getting up so she hit him again.

    "Liz that's enough!" He was slumped on the ground, whimpering and holding his face. Another one of his friends rushed over and asked if he was ok.

    "I'm fine! I don't need the whole school to know I got smacked around by a girl!" His last word spat saliva and blood into Lizzy's face. Instead of being disgusted, she just turned and left, tripping him again and laughed as he fell face first onto the tile floor. We went back to the cafeteria to get our food.

I sat down next to Liz and Anna.

    "Hey guys." I said, opening the water bottle I got out of the vending machine.

    "Hey. Aren't you gonna eat?" They asked. I shook my head no.

    "I'm not feeling very well."

    "So...what do you want to do after school?" Anna asked. I thought for a while. Over 5 minutes.


    "I...I know we said not until after school but...I want to start the bucket list now. Seriously guys, I'm not going to be here much longer. If we do the bucket list things on the weekends, I might be able to finish school and the list know." I swallowed, not quite being able to get the lump out of my throat and waited for their response.

    "Don't talk like that. You're fine. You are not going to die." I sighed.

    "Yes I am Lizzy! I wasn't responding to treatments so I chose to stop. You know what happens to someone with cancer when they stop being treated?!" I said, a bit louder. I saw someone at the other table look at me sadly.

    "Yes. Yes I know what happens." She said quieting down..

    "Well then, we should do as much as we can now! School will be over in 3 weeks. Let's start next weekend!" Anna said, being our little optimist. "Do you want to go to the lake after school? I can borrow my uncle's boat!" She giggled.

    "That would be awesome!" I said. Lizzy nodded her head.

    "Cool so everybody meet me at my car after school ok?" She said. Anna and I smiled and agreed. Suddenly the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch and the beginning of another class period.

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