Chapter 21- Destiny

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Chapter Twenty One


    I couldn't believe I threw up in front of Emmet. I told him to leave but he didn't. I now offically hate chemo. The nurse Paige helped me clean up in the bathroom. By the time I came out, the vomit was already cleaned away and a fresh lemony smell filled the room. 

    "Fast janitors." I said. 

    "Yeah." She shrugged. I didn't think this type of chemo would get you this sick. She sighed. "Want me to go get you some ginger-ale?" I nodded. She left, almost bumping into Anna and Lizzy on the way out. 

    "Hey are you ok? We were downstairs talking to your mom. What happened?" 

    "I...wait, my mom is HERE? Why the heck won't she come up to see me?" I asked. 

    "She will, she's...thinking. She doesn't really know what to do about all of this. What happened?" Lizzy asked, changing the subject. 

    "I uh...I was talking to Emmet over Skype and I kinda threw up everywhere." Anna and Lizzy's eyes instinctively flickered to the floor. 

    "They cleaned it up. It's from the chemo." I said.  

    "Oh sorry about that." Anna said. 

    "It's ok. Hey do you want to wander around a bit?" They asked. 

    "Sure." I said. "Anything to get out of this room." We smiled and left the room. 

    "Where do you want to go?" They asked me. 

    "I don't know. Anywhere let's go...left." We laughed and turned left. When we got to the elevator we pushed a random number and felt the elevator rise and then fall. When they opened, the floor looked the exact same, but one exception. A woman sat next to an empty nurse's station, sitting patiently in a wheelchair. 

    She looked very young, probably around 20. She had beautiful blond hair with brown highlights that sloped over her shoulders and down to the middle of her chest. I noticed she had beautiful bright green eyes as she looked up at us. She also had a hospital-issued gown on and was pregnant. Very pregnant. She smiled at us then suddenly tensed and gripped the arms of the wheelchair. 

    "Are you ok?" I asked, rushing over. 

    "Yes. Don't worry." She said, with a smooth British accent. "My baby wants to see the world today." 

    "That's nice. Do you know if it's a boy or girl?" Lizzy asked. 

    "A girl. Emilie." She inhaled then released the arm rests, lightly touching her very swollen belly with her slender fingers. 

    "Adorable." Anna said. Suddenly the woman's eyes widened as she looked around. 


    "NURSE!" She shouted. A nurse opened a door and peered out. 

    "What's wrong?" She asked. 

    "My water broke!" She said, as she leaned forward, clenching her teeth as the next contraction was much worse than the last. 

    "Oh. One moment!" She yelled into the room. She ran out and took the woman's wheelchair, wheeling her through some doors. They swung shut. 

    "Whoa." I said. 

    "Yeah." Lizzy and Anna both said. After a moment of silence, Lizzy said, "So, where to now?" 

    "I kind of want to go back to the cancer ward. Back to my room. I don't feel very well again." 

    "Ok. Let's go." Anna said, taking my shoulders. We took the elevator back to the 5th floor and even before the doors opened, we could hear children's screams and laughter. The doors opened and as we stepped out into the hallway, looking to our left, we saw a bunch of children at the waiting area with lots of paper, glue, scissors and other craft things. 

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