Chapter 20 - Emmet

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Chapter Twenty


    I had just gotten home from another day at work when my cell phone beeped. Lately, I had jumped whenever someone sent me a text, hoping it was Destiny. Ever since I spilled my secret to her, I haven't gotten a response. I felt more like an idiot every day. 

    I headed for my room, threw my stuff on the floor and flopped down onto my bed. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw the word: Destiny as the caller ID. I nearly had a heart attack. 

        hey emmet its destiny. your last text...even now i dont know how to respond. it did sound cheesy but i know you didnt mean it like that. i think its really nice that a guy will be honest with me and actually tell me how he feels. thanks for being honest. um i have a question. do you have internet with a webcam? do you have skype? maybe we could talk. you know, "face to face" 

    I inhaled then exhaled, reading the message over and over again. I did have internet and I did have skype but I didn't know how to respond. I thought for a moment then typed my best answer. 

        hey. i was afraid u got scared off. no prob about the honest thing. i find that being honest gets u way farther in life than lying does. yea i do have skype and a webcam. do you want to talk now?

    I held my breath and waited anxiously for  her response. I jumped off my bed and crossed my room to my computer. I logged onto Skype and waited. It seemed like hours before she texed me back. 

        sure. my screen name is: deslovespie 

    That was all she wrote. I found her screen name and soon we were in a chat room. I put up my webcam and she put up hers. She was sitting/half laying in a bed with white sheets and a white pillow. A hospital bed. She was wearing a pink and blue plush robe. I turned my sound on so she could hear me. 


    "Hi." We were silent for a minute. We really didn't know what to say to each other. 

    "So...what's happened so far?" I asked. She shrugged. 

    "Not much. They started me on...some medicine." She looked down. "They say I might lose my hair." She looked up, trying to blink back tears. 

    "So? Who says people NEED hair? It's not vital for survival. Lots of guys shave their heads and no one thinks twice about them." 

    "But I'm a GIRL. Girl's don't do that." She sighed. 

    "It'll be fine. I promise. Have your friends come to see you yet? I wish I could come, but I have to work." 

    "Yeah they came. I woke up and they put balloons all around the bed." She smiled. "It was awesome. They got me presents." 

    "What did they give you?" 

    "Lizzy can you believe it - gave me an iPad 2 from Ebay. Then Anna gave let me get it." The camera jerked and moved as she reached over. She moved back and put a plush teddy bear in front of the camera. 

    "It's really soft. I love it. They also gave me this." She tugged on her robe. "I love this too. Lizzy's boyfriend, Damien burst into the room like some crazy person with bags of candy and pop. We had a party!" She laughed. 

    "Awesome! I wish I could've been there. Where are they now?" 

    "Down in the cafeteria talking to my mom. She was here for the party a little bit but decided to give me some space. I don't know why. She's been avoiding me alot. I think it's because she's sad." Destiny said, looking down. She sighed. "Anyway, what's new with you?" 

    "I got a pay raise, cat might be having kittens, other than that, not much. Right now, it seems like you're having a more interesting summer than I am."

    "Interesting, yeah. Fun, no." She said. Suddenly an odd look came over her face and she broke out in a sweat. "I have to go." She said, her voice panicky and nervous. 

    "Wait, no what's wrong?" 

    "I don't want you to see-" She shut her mouth and swallowed. 

    "See what?" I asked, getting very nervous. She suddenly turned her head away from the computer and threw up over the side of her bed. 

    "Oh." I closed my eyes until she was done. She looked back up at me, tears streaming down her face. 

    "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" She said, and proceeded to vomit some more onto the floor. 

    "Press the nurse's button!" I said. She nodded as a string of saliva hung from her mouth. Suddenly a nurse came in and moved the table that the laptop was on. I could see as she helped Destiny out of the bed and around the puddle of vomit. I couldn't look at it for too long without feeling sick as well so I just watched Destiny. 

    "I'm sorry. I'll talk to you later." She walked over and shut the laptop. 


Hey guys! Poor Destiny! Chemo sucks! Hope you like it I will keep updating shortly! :) Vote Comment Share! 


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