Chapter 10 - Lizzy

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Chapter Ten


    I drove Anna over to my house while we waited for Destiny to come over. The last text she sent me sent a chill down my bones. From my own experience, I always knew that after you had some kind of test at the doctor's, they usually send you the results in the mail. I knew something had to be wrong - wrong enough for the doctor to ask to speak to them at his office. I swallowed and paced in the living room.

    "Stop it you're making me nervous." Anna said.

    "Pacing helps me when I'm nervous."

    "Here." She got up and went to kitchen. I heard a high-pitched squealing sound after a while and soon she returned with two cups of tea.

    "It's calming." She handed a cup to me and I sniffed it. I had never had tea before, I didn't even know we had it. I took a sip and found it was good. I sat down on the corner of our couch and wrapped a blanket around me, slowly drinking the tea. I soon got a text from Destiny:

        hey im back in Duluth, be there soon. :)

    I smiled at the text, hoping the smiley face meant all was well, but deep down I knew that wasn't true.

    "Destiny will be here soon." I said.

    "Ok. I'm going to make her a cup of tea too." She left and went back into the kitchen. She brought the tea out just as the front door opened.

    "Hi guys." She smiled half-heartedly.

    "Hi. What's wrong?"

    "Who said anything was wrong?" She said. I gave her a look and she sighed.

    "Ok. Things aren't good. Is that tea?" Anna nodded and handed it to her. "Thank you."


    We all sat down on the couches and chairs in a circle.

    "So, what's wrong with you?" I asked. Destiny sighed and suddenly just threw it out.

    "I have cancer."

    "Yeah right. Seriously."

    "I have cancer." She repeated. I swallowed, the rims of my eyes starting to twitch.

    "No. You're fine. It was just the flu!" Anna said, her hands started to shake so she put her cup down. "It was just the flu."

    "No guys. I'm telling you. Apparently I have to go home and pack because I have to go to a hospital in Minneapolis that has a good Oncology center."

    "What's Oncology?" Anna asked.

    "You know how there are different departments? Radiology is like, X-rays and stuff and MRI's and CTs? Oncology deals with cancer. The type of cancer I have is called Leukemia." She took a deep breath.

    My eyes spilled over. Now, I don't usually cry for lots of things, but this, this pushed me over the edge. I was in shock. I picked up my cup very calmly and took it to the kitchen. I poured it down the drain, for my thirst was gone. I watched the tea flow down the sink and into the drain and I just thought that Des's life was just going down the drain. I couldn't let it happen. I threw the cup into the sink and it shattered, ceramic pieces flying up and cutting my arms. Anna and Destiny rushed into the room.

    "What...are you ok?" She rushed over to me.

    "I'm fine."

    "You know, I acted like that too. When the doctor told me, I punched him." I whirled around to face her.

    "You PUNCHED him?" I stared at her, open-mouthed. I have never known Destiny to be someone to get mad enough to even lightly hit someone. And now she goes and punches a doctor? Obviously this news was changing everyone, even me.


The truth has been told! Hey, at least Liz and Anna took it well - enough. :-/ we shall see what Destiny and her mom will do.....Comment! Vote! Like! :-)


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