Chapter 29 - Anna

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Chapter Twenty Nine 


    After school, I was the first one to get to Lizzy's car. I waited there for about 5 minutes before I saw Lizzy and Destiny running towards the car, their long hair flying behind them. 

    "Hey guys! Let's go!" Lizzy jumped in the passenger seat and Destiny in the front. I sat in the back, between them. 

    "Ok where to first?" Liz asked. I looked at my phone, read my uncle's text and looked back up to the driver's seat. 

    "He says the boat is there and key is under the heart shaped rock near one of the trees in the backyard. He says there are fishing poles in the shed too if we want to use them." 

    "Where exactly is he?" Destiny asked. 

    "I think he's in Flordia, vacationing." I guessed. "He's always vacationing somewhere!" I laughed. 

    "Yeah definately! Ok anybody want to fish?" Liz asked. Destiny declined and I decided to pass as well. 

    "Ok so I'm guessing this boat is big enough for 3-4 people right? And it's not a blow up boat so we need a way to transport it to the lake. I suggest we go to my brother's house and borrow his truck. First let's go back to my house to get sunblock and snacks and stuff then go get the truck." Lizzy suggested, turning onto 17th street. After a few more turns and twists, we were back at her house. We left the car - and air conditioning - running while we went in to get the "supplies". 

    Finally after digging through Lizzy's pool bag, we found the sunblock. We grabbed snacks and cold soda. We had all texted our parents on the way to ask if it was alright if we all hung for a few hours. Of course, our parents knew how close we all were and allowed it. I didnt' know what I would do without my friends and I think they felt the same way. We jumped back in the car and blasted the radio all the way to Liz's brother's house. He lived out in the country so we had a few minutes to hang out and sing our lungs out to the radio all the way there. 

     Lizzy put the car in park and we all got out. Her brother's dog ran up to us and sniffed us all then jumped up to give kisses. 

    "Max down!" Lizzy said firmly. Max, the dog quickly sat down, his tail still wagging furiously. I petted his head and he started licking my hand. 

    "Good boy." I said. We walked up to Josh's house and knocked. His girlfriend, Tayna answered. 

    "Hey guys! What's up?" She looked behind her and called for Josh. He came bounding up behind her. He embraced Lizzy in a tight hug. 

    "Lizzy! Oh I haven't seen you in forever! How's my little sister?" He asked. 

    "I'm good. We were wondering if we could borrow your truck. We are taking Uncle Matt's boat to the lake." 

     "Sure. I'm already off work today so go ahead just bring it back by 10 ok?" We nodded. "By the way, Destiny, how have you been?" He looked at her with that look that says: dont-give-me-a-simple-one-worded-answer. 

     "The treatments aren't doing anything. So I've stopped taking chemo." 

     "What are you taking now?" 

    "I'm not taking anything. I've stopped the medication. They suggested a bone marrow transplant but that would mean staying in the hospital for almost another 6 months in isolation - completely alone from everybody." 

     "That's so sad Destiny I'm so sorry! I really hope you change your mind about declining the bone marrow transplant. Think about this: would you rather spend 3-6 months away from friends and family and live or spend those 3-6 months with friends and family and imagine their grief when you die. Just a thought." He gave her a hug and she nodded, turning the idea over and over in her brain. 

     "Well...have fun girls! By Anna!" He waved. I waved back as we ran across his driveway to the blue Chevy silverado pickup truck. The keys were sitting on the driver's seat. Destiny got the passenger seat while I chose the back. We put our seatbelts on while Lizzy turned the key in the ignition. 

     "Oh I love that sound!" She said, putting the truck in drive. We turned the radio up again and started the half hour drive to my uncle's house. 


OOooo! A boatride! I went on one a few weeks ago and thought it was THE BEST! But that was a pontoon. This is just a regular fishing boat. Oh well. They are still going to have fun! Hope you guys liked this chapter! Read more! 

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