Chapter 8 - Anna

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Chapter Eight


    I had heard what happend with Destiny and I couldn't wait to get over there to see her right away. School started in a few days and I wanted her to be rid of this illness before it started.

    I rode my bike to Des's house, parking it ouside their garage. I walked up to the front door and knocked. Destiny's mom opened it.

    "Hi Anna. I'm glad you came. Lizzy and Des are upstairs in her room. Go right on up." She smiled and let me in. I took off my shoes and went upstairs.

    Knock knock.

    "Come on in!" I opened the door and Lizzy and Des were sitting on the bed watching a movie.

    "Hey how are you?" I went over and sat down on the bed, putting my hand on Des's shoulder.

    "Fine. My hip hurts a little though. Obviously." She laughed and rolled her eyes. I laughed.

    "Yeah. I hope they get the test results back soon."

    "Me too. I'm bored of being stuck in here. Want to go out for ice cream?" Lizzy said.

    "Oh totally." Destiny jumped off the bed, wincing slightly. I hoped all this would just blow over eventually. We all bounded down the stairs, Destiny following, taking her time.

    "Whoa girls where do you think you're going?" Destiny's mom said, as she stopped us.

    "To get ice cream."

    "Don't be back late. Be careful with your hip Destiny ok?" She hugged her and we all left. It didn't take long to get to the ice cream parlor. We all took a booth near the window. Me and Lizzy were both on the inside, and Destiny was sitting next to Lizzy. A boy a little older than me gave us our menus. I noticed how when he set them down, his gaze lingered on Destiny for just a few seconds.

    "Oh that looks amazing!" Lizzy said, showing me a picture of a huge ice cream sundae that had every topping you could think of piled on top of the chocolate syrup.

    "You should get a large and share with us!" I said, finding the picture in my own menu.

    "Share all this? In your dreams!" We laughed. I decided on a small vanilla cup with m&ms. Destiny decided on a banana split. Soon the boy came back and took our menus. We all told him what we wanted and he scribbled it down on a pad. He swallowed and coughed. He thanked us and left.

    "Des, I think he likes you!" I said, leaning toward her.

   "Yeah, right." She said. Nonetheless, she locked her gaze on him and watched him as he crossed the room into the back. She turned back to both Lizzy and I watching her.

    "What!?" We smiled at her. She blushed. "Ok, fine, maybe he is kind of cute." Red crept up her face even higher. Suddenly, the boy showed up. All the color fell from her face. He gave me my cup of ice cream, he gave Lizzy her huge sundae that she would obviously have to  share, and finally he gave Des her banana split. His hands shook as he handed it to her and accidently spilled it all over. This time, he was the one blushing.

    "I'm so sorry!" He said, running back to the counter to grab wadfulls of napkins.

    "It's ok its ok!" She took some napkins from him and began to wipe up the mess.

    "No let me."

    "No it's ok. It's not your fault!"

    "Yes it is."

    "No seriously."

    "I am being serious. It was my fault!"

    "And I'm telling you it's alright!" She smiled at him.

    I watched as they argued as they mopped up the mess. Suddenly, his hand hit hers and they stopped. I looked up at the ceiling and thought about how much of a cliche this was. Boy meets girl in ice cream parlor, they fall in love, etc....I laughed.


   "Nothing. I was just thinking something." Destiny looked into my eyes and was mentally telling me to shut up. I shut up. After the mess was cleaned up, he rushed back to the kitchen and soon came out with another banana split. Thankfully, this one didn't spill.


    "S...Sure." He smiled and went to wait on other people who came in. After we finished, we all went back to Destiny's house, constantly talking about him on the way back.


Des has a crush! lol I remember my first crush....I was 9. Haha. Although if I had to pick now, I would like Emmet much better! (Just sayin....) OOPS i gave you his name. Oh well you'll see it in the next chapter anyway. And you'll probably read the next chapter because you're already this Comment! Vote! Like! :-)


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