Chapter 2 - Lizzy

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Chapter Two


    We drove home in silence. Destiny had fallen asleep, lulled into unconsciousness by the movement of the car. her beautiful long brown hair falling over her shoulders and down onto her chest, moving slowly up and down with each breath. She hated her hair but I loved it. Sometimes I wished I could switch with her. Destiny had a beautiful face, stunningly mesmerizing. She never thought so, but I did. She had high cheekbones that just added strength and beauty to her eyes. Deep, dark chocolate brown eyes that can trap you and never let go. Destiny can be a bit bossy at times but she's a natural-born leader. Leaders have to be bossy, right?

    We got back to my house at around 9:30. Since school hadn't started yet, my little brother was still up. he was 11, almost 12. I sat in my car wondering how we were going to get past him, without him noticing Destiny. You see, he has a major crush on her. It's so cute but can be horribly annoying. He always tries to be with her and "hang with her" as he puts it. I took a deep breath and woke Destiny. She opened her eyes and saw Ben through the living room window playing video games. 

    "Oh great!" 

    "Exactly" I said. "I say we go up the tree." There was a tree right outside my bedroom window. An old oak tree, it had huge, majestic branches and a large trunk, with roots anchoring itself deeply in the ground.

    "Good idea." We got out, shutting the car doors quietly and we crept around back until w were standing at the base of the tree.

    "You go up first" Destiny said, looking at me.

    "Ok. You follow me?" She nodded in agreement. I reached out and grabbed the first branch, swinging my legs around on top of it. I looked up and grabbed the next one, pulling myself to my feet. I looked down and saw Destiny waiting until I had cleared the first branch. Once I did, she mirrored my movements. Eventually, we were on my windowsill. I opened it and we climbed through. We took off our shoes and collapsed on the bed just as Ben burst in. 

    "Oh my gosh what are you doing? Knock first!" I screamed at him. He showed no effect and walked over to Destiny. 

    "Hey Des!" He said, winking at her. I rolled my eyes. Now was not the time! 

    "Hi Ben." She answered.

    "Hungry? We have really good leftovers. Spaghetti." 

    "Sure. I guess." I winced. She had no idea what she had just gotten herself into! I followed Destiny downstairs while she followed Ben downstairs.

    "Oh my gosh. Ben what...?" Destiny asked when she saw the kitchen. Apparently Ben knew she was coming and set up a small table in the middle of the kitchen with candles. He opened a drawer and handed her a real red rose. 

    "I bought this myself." He said, proudly.   

   "Ben, I'm so're 11." She looked at him with a pitiful smile on her face. His expression plummeted. Utter rejection.   

  "It's fine. Keep the rose." He blew out the candles and went up to his room.  She looked at me, a face full of sadness.   

  "It's ok. He's going to be hormonal this way for the next 7 years of his life. He needs to get used to it." I told her. She nodded. Destiny then shook her head, straightened up and took a deep breath.

  "We should watch Disturbia." I nodded at her idea.   

  "Great idea. I love that movie! You set it up and I'll get popcorn and stuff." She nodded and I went to the kitchen and got a popcorn packet. I ripped it open and placed it in the microwave and in a few minutes, after the movie had loaded to the main menu, we had hot, steamy buttery popcorn. I put it into a huge bowl and walked back to where Destiny was. She was asleep. I laughed and set the bowl down. I shook her and she wouldn't wake up. I shook her harder and then I started to get worried. Finally I slapped her, hoping it would do the trick. It did. She woke up and looked at me, then held her cheek.   

  "What was that?"   

  "You fell asleep and wouldn't wake up so I got a little worried. I'm fine now." I told her.   

  She nodded and yawned. I turned to get the popcorn and she gasped. I turned.   

  "Oh my gosh!" I dropped the popcorn and grabbed her arm, dragging her to the bathroom. I put the toilet seat down and pushed her onto it. I grabbed wadfuls of toilet paper and handed them to her. Her nose had started to bleed. Badly. So badly in fact, it looked like you were just pouring blood from her nose.   

  "What?" She pulled the toilet paper away and screamed. Even with half the roll in her hands, the blood was soaking through. I unrolled the rest of the toilet paper and switched the bloody tissues with the clean ones. She put it up against her nose and tilted her head back. A few minutes later, she pulled the toilet paper down and there wasn't a drop on them. She looked at me, puzzled.      "That was..."     

"Weird." She said, finishing my sentence for me.   

  "Are you ok?" I asked, for the color had just drained from her face.   

  "Yeah, I', I'm not." She said as she tried standing up. The quick loss of blood had caused her to get light-headed and she grabbed the door frame to steady herself.   

  "Let's get you to bed huh?" I asked. She nodded and I helped her into the bed. She was shivering so I tucked the blankets in around her and rubbed her arms until she stopped. She fell asleep quickly. I climbed in next to her and wondered if she was getting sick. I didn't have much time to think about it, for I too slipped off into sleep.           


Sorry it was short! You'll see a longer one in a little bit! :-)


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