Chapter 14 - Lizzy

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Chapter Fourteen


    I woke up and realized I was still in Destiny's bed. We had fallen asleep to the Artic Blast movie. I looked over at Destiny and she looked very pale. I touched her and she was cold. 

    "Des? You ok?" She didn't answer. 

    "Destiny? Wake up!" I shook her and felt her neck. I couldn't find a pulse. The cancer had killed her even before we could get her to Minneapolis! I froze. She would never be able to do anything she wanted. When we were younger, she had confided in me that she wanted to kiss a boy while watching the sun rise over Lake Superior. It was funny then but  now...I realized she would never be able to. She would never be able to do anything! She was only 14! God was cruel to take her now. I hated him so I started to cry. Anna wasn't even here! Destiny would've wanted Anna to be there! Suddenly I screamed for Des's mom. She rushed into the room. 

    "She's DEAD!" I screamed, holding Destiny's body, cradling her body like a baby's. I rocked back and forth, sobbing. 

    "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DESTINY BABY WAKE UP!" She screamed and shook Destiny, trying to get her to sit up. I knew she was too far gone and tried prying her mom off her body. 

    "NO GET OFF ME!" She shook me off as she started CPR. With how cold Destiny's body was, I knew there was no point. 

    "Stop." I said quiety and calmly. 

    "CALL 911!" I didn't move. 

    "NOW!" I got up and got the phone, dialing the 3 numbers. 

    "Please state your emergency." The woman at the dispatch said. 

    "My best friend just died." 

    "Ok stay on the line please officers and paramedics are on the way." 

    "You don't get it. Her mom made me call. She's dead." 

    "It's ok. Just stay on the line." Suddenly Destiny gasped and I jumped, dropping the phone. 

    "Lizzy...say hi to Anna." Then she flopped back on the bed, the life gone. I felt tears well up and no matter how hard I tried keeping them back, they spilled over and fell. I tipped my head and watched them fall to the hardwood floor as if in slow motion. They would fall and splash outward. I fell to the ground. My best friend had just died. What was I going to do? 

    "NO!" I screamed. 

    "Lizzy! Are you ok?" I looked up to...Destiny. 

    "I...I...I thought you were..." 

    "You were having a nightmare. I have to pack for Minneapolis. Help me?"

    "S...Sure." I got up and helped her choose what things she should bring. Suddenly, in the middle of helping her pack, I got a text from Damien. I smiled. Whenever I saw his caller ID, a happiness flowed through me. Kind of poetic, but so what? 

        hey babe. hows des? r u guys headin out soon? i was wonderin if i cood cum over and say hi 2 u both nd wish her luck. 

    "Des, do you mind if Damien comes over? He wants to say hi to you before you go." She nodded. 

        sure come on over! :)

    In a few minutes, Damien kncoked and came inside. He walked over to me and have me a hug. I turned around and kissed him. 

    "Darn get a room guys!" She laughed. I gasped and laughed right along with her. 

    "We're not to THAT point yet." 

    "Key word: yet." I cleared my throat. 

    "Oh stop it guys." Damien went over to Des and gave her a hug. 

    "Don't kiss me." He laughed. 

    "I'm going to." He kissed the top of her head. She laughed. 

    "So...when are you guys leaving?" Her smile faded. 

    "Soon. Could you guys come? I need all the moral support I can get right now." My eyes started to burn with the need to cry. I forced it away. I'm not one to cry a lot but lately...things have changed. 

    People say change is good. But when change affects your lifestyle in a bad way, and it hurts the people you love, change can be a very bad thing. I always believed it helped people to grow and evolve in a new way. But then Destiny got sick and my original thought was gone. 

    "Hey we should have Anna come too!" 

    "Of course! We couldn't forget about her!" 

    "Forget about me?" A familar voice from the doorway said. 

    "Anna! What are you doing here?" She smiled and came in and gave us all hugs. 

    "Your mom told my mom that you were flying to Minneapolis today and my mom offered to take me over here so I could say goodbye." The word goodbye obviously affected Destiny more than anything. Her shoulders shook and she sunk down, missing the bed and sliding to the floor. Damien was next to her so he dropped down, a beautiful look of concern and worry on his face. Then Destiny started to cry. She was trying to be silent about it, but when you're crying this hard, you can't be completely silent. Big sobs racked her body, sending both Anna and I into a state of sadness. 

    "I'm so sorry Destiny. I didn't mean-"

    "I'ts ok. It's not you. It's just, I'm a little emotional right now." She said between sniffles. 

    "It's ok. It's totally normal to be emotional!" 

    "I just...I don't want to deal with this right now!" She said, leaning against Damien. He was always there for me and now Destiny needed someone to lean to. We all got up close and sat next to her. 

    "You guys...I love you guys!" She started to cry again. We all hugged her, trying to boost her spirits.  


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