Chapter 6 - Destiny

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Chapter Six


    The doctor's visit did NOTHING to help. They concluded that I had the flu. They presribed some medication and sent us on our way. That was 3 weeks ago. We went to severel doctors but they all said the same thing: "Hmm. You've been to how many other doctors? Hmmm....yup it's the flu." I couldn't stand it anymore. Then my mom finally got the best idea ever! A long-lost friend of my mom's who just moved to Grand Rapids, was a doctor! I convinced my mom to let us take the hour and a half trip there. Lizzy ended up coming with as well.

    "I wonder what they'll find this time." I said.

    "Hopefully it's nothing too serious." Lizzy told me.


    With all the anxious tension in the car, it felt like it took a lot longer than an hour and a half. When we got there, we went inside and told the receptionist that we had an appointment with a Dr. June Kinder. She nodded and led us into a waiting room.

    "Please wait here and the doctor will be in shortly." She smiled those cheesy smiles that people do when they get tired of being nice. I gave her a cheesy smile right back and she turned around in a huff. I laughed to myself as I turned back to my mom and Lizzy. I reached over for a Seventeen magazine on the table next to me and winced from the grinding pain in my hip from leaning over. I grunted and inhaled sharply. Lizzy looked up.

    "Des, are you ok?" She asked. I started to shake my head yes, then changed my mind and shook my head no. She got up and sat down next to me. Soon a nurse called my name and we went through the door into a slew of hallways.

    It took a while for the nurses to ask my mom a bunch of questions and then a quick examination of me, throat, eyes, nose, ears, etc. Then more doctors with questions. I'm thankful they had magazines in that exam room! Eventually, I was ready for some tests. I groaned and followed my mom to the Lab. They sat me down in a chair and stuck a needle in my arm. The only problem was I was terrified of needles.

    "Ouch! You said you would stick it in on 3!" I shouted. The nurse chuckled and connected the vial to the tube. I groaned. Usually whenever I had this done, I wouldn't watch but whatever compelled me to turn my eyes downward I will never know. I do know that the minute I saw the thick, red, shiny blood falling into the vials unhinged something in my brain and the room began to swirl. Lizzy and the nurse's voices faded out into nothingness as I slipped into it, welcoming the darkness.


Sorry kinda short! Oh well. Oh no! Destiny fainted! (Unlike Destiny, I have no problem with blood. The rest of my family does though. Odd) Comment! Vote! Like! :-)


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