Chapter 4 - Destiny

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Chapter Four



    My flu still wouldn't go away. Luckily I wasn't throwing up anymore. I still felt like crap though. I had tried everything to make it go away, soups, teas, pain medicine, but nothing worked. Finally I decided to ask to go to the doctor. 

    "Hey, mom?" I asked, walking into the laundry room. She was loading clothes into the washing machine. 


     "I know you've said that the flu will cure itself, but it's been two weeks and I just want to get better. Could we please go to the doctor?" 


    "I know you hate doctors. Please." I looked her in the eye and she sighed. 

    "Fine. Ok. I'll make an appointment with Dr. Williams." She walked over and hugged me, squeezing me tightly. I smiled, thanked her and went back to the couch. I picked up the house phone that was sitting on the table next to me. I dialed Lizzy's number and then dialed Anna's number, setting up a 3-way conference call. That's it's official name but we just called it our "chat room offline". 

    "Yeah?" Lizzy answered. Usually she answers in 3 ways, What?! When she's ticked off, Hmm....? when she's tired and Yeah? when she's feeling bubbly and well, herself. Luckily for me she answered while she was herself. 

    "Hey, my mom is finally taking me!" I exclaimed, switching positions on the couch so I was lying on my back. 

    "Well that's good." Anna answered, picking up the phone. 

    "Hey, glad you're here!" 

    "Yeah. When is your appointment?"     

    "I don't know. My mom is making it now." I said, switching the phone to my other ear. Suddenly, in the background you could hear dogs barking and the doorbell ringing.

     "I gotta go, see you guys later!" Anna hung up. 

    "...and then there were two..." Lizzy joked.  

    "Ha ha. Yeah."  

   "Des! Your appointment is in two hours!" My mom shouted from the kitchen.    

  "Ok!" I answered. I lifted the phone back to my ear. "My mom got my appointment up. It's in two hours."     

   "Maybe you could come over after. That is, if my mom doesn't freak because you're sick." Lizzy's mother had a..."thing" with germs. She wasn't germaphobic but she hated it when sick people came over, even if it was just a cough. Over the years, Lizzy had defied that and her mom has learned to deal with it.     

   "Yeah. I gotta go, I'm really tired and I just want to sleep." I said, feeling a wave of nausea and fatigue.     

   "Sure hon. Go to sleep and get better. I'll see you later." She hung up and I put the phone back in it's cradle. I got up and walked to the bathroom, landing on my knees in front of the toilet, ready to hurl. I waited, head hung over the bowl, but nothing happened. I sat back, feeling nothing but fatigue. I groaned and got up.     

   As I walked to my room, my cat, Birdie ran up and interlaced herself between my legs, meowing for attention. I rolled my eyes and laughed. I bent down and picked her up, scratching her under her chin. She closed her eyes and purred fiercely.      

   "Yeah you like that don't you?" I smiled when she pushed her head up under my chin, curling her tail around my arm. She licked my neck with her rough, sandpaper-like tongue. I shivered.     

   "That felt weird. Do you want to come cuddle?" I buried my face in her fur, inhaling deeply. She purred. "Okay, come on." I set her down and she followed me to my room, running around my legs. She was only 3 months old, and loved attention. Lucky for her, I loved giving it to her. I sat down on my bed and she jumped up next to me, thumping her body against my side. She put her two paws on my thigh, sniffing my shirt. I ran my hand down her back and she started kneading my thigh.      "Ow!" I said softly when she pushed too hard. She looked at me and cocked her head, as if to say, how is that 'ow?' what are you talking about? I smiled.     

   "I have a bruise there, that's why." I looked at her and laughed. I pushed her off and got up to put a DVD into my TV. "What do you want to watch?" I asked her. She sat down and stuck her nose in the air.     

   "Fine. I'll choose." I got down on my hands and knees and picked out a movie. I stood up, groaning from the grinding pain in my hip bones. Birdie jumped down and rubbed my legs, saying it's ok, don't hurt!     

   The door knocked and my mom walked in, the phone to her chest. "The nurse called. A patient cancelled so we can go in 15 minutes. But only if you want to." I nodded and sat down, wincing from the searing pain. My mom opened her mouth as if to say something, chose not to, smiled, and left. I  couldn't wait to figure out what was wrong with me.       


Oh yay! Doctor stuff! (I want to be a doctor after High School. Maybe.) 


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