Chapter 11 - Destiny

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Chapter Eleven


    My parents and I decided that we wouldn't go to Minneapolis until tomorrow morning. I went upstairs to my bedroom early to start packing. I picked up a picture of my best friends and I all together when we were little.

    It was a picture at school when we all dressed up as what we wanted to be when we grew up. I was dressed as a veternarian, Lizzy was dressed as an artist, and Anna was dressed as a teacher. It was the 2nd grade.

    Suddenly my hands started to shake and my throat closed up and tears started to slide down my face. I would never be able to go to collage. I would never be able to have my dream career. Tears fell faster now, combined with eyeliner. My chest heaved and I felt the urge to run. I opened my window and climbed out, jumped off the garage roof into the bushes and ran down the street.

    When I got to 5th street I turned right and saw that the ice cream shop's light was still on. I saw a sign on the window that showed it didn't close for 3 more hours. I went inside and looked around. I had never seen it so empty before. I went to the counter and sat down. The same boy that I saw last time I was here came up to me.

    "Hi. You're back." He said, smiling.

    "Yeah." I gasped and realized I still had blackish streaks of tears on my face. 

   "Are you ok?" He ducked behind the counter and reappeared with a wet napkin. He handed it to me.

    "Not really." My lower lip quivered and I fought the urge to cry again.

    "What's wrong?" He came around to the other side of the counter and sat by me.

    "A whole lot of things." I said.

    "I never got your name last time." He said.

    "I'm Destiny."

    "Emmet." I shook his hand. It was warm and smooth.

    "Nice to meet you." He nodded in response. "So, uh, why are you crying?" He handed me a dry napkin and I blew my nose.

    "Thanks. I uh...just got some very unfortunate news."

    "Oh. Did someone die?" I smiled, thankful there was someone besides my family and friends who showed genuine concern for me.

     "No, more like someone is going to." I felt tears well up inside again and I felt a lump in my throat.

    "Who? Sorry...I'm getting too personal." He turned away. I grabbed his arm.

    "It's ok. It's nice to talk to someone."

    "Thanks. Who's going to die?" The tears spilled over.



Whoa. Even for me...that ending is kind send chills! Anyone else? Poor Emmet! He was just starting to like her! Let's see what he does! Comment! Vote! Like! 


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