Chapter 23 - Destiny

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Chapter Twenty-Three


    I couldn't believe he would show up here like this. I got out of bed and went over to him. I didn't know what I was doing but I gave him a hug.

    "Thanks for coming. That's very sweet of you." I said, inhaling his sweet scent. He smelled of pine and sugar.

    "What is this stuff?" He asked, walking over to the bed and looking at all the cards.

    "Yesterday I helped a bunch of children make that banner in the hallway. This is their way of thanking me, Anna and Liz." I said.

    "Sweet. I always loved kids. Sometimes I wish I could go back and be a carefree kid again."

    "Oh my gosh! Me too!" I sat on the bed, frantically grabbing at all the envelopes and letters and forbidden candy. I gathered them al lup into a pile and put them on the table next to my laptop. The table wasn't big enough and some cards slipped off and onto the floor. I jumped to get them but Emmet dropped to the floor, picking them up for me. He set them on the table, making sure no others fell. He sat on the edge of the bed and sighed.

    "What's wrong?" I asked.

    "Everything. I...I'm not very good at making friends. You're the first good friend I've had in years. And then to find out she is going to die of cancer - that certianly doesn't help."

    "I'm not going to die Emmet."

    "You don't know that."

    "You know what? I think we should just go and take a walk - forget about all of it. Okay?" I asked him.

    "Fine." We got up off the bed and walked out the door.

    "Hey are you guys ok?" Lizzy and Anna asked me.

    "Yeah we're fine. Just going on a walk. Where is my mom?"

    "She had to go back to work. She told us to tell you." I nodded.

    "See you guys later." They smiled as Emmet and I left, slowly walking down the hall. Halfway I stumbled and fell. Emmet caught me .

    "Are you ok?" He asked, terrified.

    "I'm fine. Just dizzy. They said chemo wouldn't be really bad. They lied to me!" I choked back tears.

    "They're doctors they have to lie. Or else their patients would be too afraid to come to the hospital and they'd go out of business. That would majorly suck." His statement made me laugh. Thank goodness someone could.

    "So...what do you want to do now?" I asked.

    "Follow me." He led me to the elevator and pushed the UP button.

    "Where are we going?"

    "Somewhere. Close your eyes." I eyed him warily but he sighed and matched my stare. I surrendered and closed my eyes. He took my hands and put them on top of my eyes. He led me into the elevator. I heard him push a button and soon the doors closed. We headed skyward - for a pretty long time it seemed - until the bell dinged and he led me out.

    "Ok this is a window. Ready?" I nodded, half excited and half worried about what I was about to see. "Open them." I opened my eyes to find myself on the top floor of the hospital, looking out of the 9th floor.

    "Whoa!" I said, stepping back. "That's amazing!" I crept closer to the window and looked out at all the tiny cars and buildings and people. For a moment, I felt like I could fly.


Hope you guys liked it! :) Part 3 is about to begin!

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