Chapter 27 - Lizzy

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Chapter Twenty Seven


    After we switched movies, I decided to change the mood. I went into the bathroom and got my makeup kit. I brought it back out to the Den where Des and Anna were sitting. 

    "What's that?" Destiny asked me. I grinned and set it on the table.  Then I went to my room, which was in the basement as well, and got 3 blindfolds. When I went back out, Destiny and Anna were standing up. 

    "What's this?" Anna asked. 

    "I saw somewhere on the Internet a sleepover game. We blindfold ourselves then try to give each other a makeover. Then we take off the blindfold and take pictures of our faces." I explained. 

    "Wow. That's...interesting." Destiny smiled at Anna's comment. 

    "I want to go first!" Des shouted. I helped her put a blindfold on her and Anna put one on me. I had all the makeup out. I began by putting eyeshadow on her eyes. At least, I think it was her eyes. I then tried to give her some lipstick (fail) and blush (extra fail). 

    "Oh my gosh!" Anna laughed. I pulled off my blindfold and realized I had put eyeshadow all over her forehead, lipstick on her cheeks and nose and blush everywhere. I gasped. 

    "What?! What did you do?" Destiny took off her blindfold and looked in the mirror. She threw herself back onto a beanbag chair, laughing. We did that to each of ourselves for the next hour. 

    After we had washed it all off, we decided to do some other girlish-sleepover-type things. You know, like, prank call boys and truth or dare. That kind of stuff. Eventually the clock's hour hand went from 5 to 9 to 11 and then to 2. 

    "You know, we should go to bed. It's already past 2 in the morning." I said.

    "Yeah. Maybe we should. I'm kind of tired anyway." Des said. 

    "I agree." 

    We all unrolled the sleeping bags on the large floor in front of the TV. We turned off all the lights and had gotten comfortable when Destiny suddenly shouted, "I have to do something first!" She jumped out of her sleeping bag, ran upstairs then came back with a notebook and pen. 

    "What the heck is that for? It's 3 in the morning. Come back to sleep." I whined. 

    "I have to write something down first. I need your guy's help too so get over here." She was standing in the kitchen, under the lights, writing something at the top of the page. I groaned and got up, kicking Anna lightly to motivate her. 

    "What?" Anna asked, slightly annoyed at both me and Destiny. 

    "I'm going to make a bucket list!" 

    "A bucket list?" 

    "Why?" Anna asked. Destiny looked at her, then at me. She said in almost a whisper, "You know why." Then just like that her expression went from devastation to enthusiastic. 

    "Now I want to make a list of the top 10 things I want to do before..." She trailed off. "10 being least important, 1 being most important." 

    "Ok. What do you think 10 should be?" I asked her. 

    "I'm thinking, either A) watch a meteor shower, B) get a tattoo or C) pick bouquets of flowers and randomly leave them on people's doorsteps." We all debated for a minute then decided that #10 on her list should be option C, picking bouquets and dropping them on doorsteps. She wrote that down at the top of the page. We went to #9. 

    "I'm thinking A) play poker with real money, B) paint each other's T-shirts by throwing paint at each other or C) tasting beer." 

    We eventually decided on writing down option B as #9 but still trying out option C on the side. Destiny wrote her #9 down on the notebook. After a while, we had gone through numbers 10 all the way down to number 2. Destiny still couldn't figure out a number one. What would be the one most important thing she wanted to do before her death?

    "I know." She wrote it down and we smiled. It was perfect. We read over the list one last time, made a few adjustments then agreed it was a perfect list. Here is what it looked like: 

        #10.Pick bouquets and leave on people's doorsteps. 

        #9.  Paint T-shirts by paint-bombing/Taste beer

        #8. Go to a real party - with guys and dancing! NO parents!

        #7.  See a tornado

        #6.  Shoot a gun

        #5.  Adopt a pet/Foster a pet

        #4. Send a message in a bottle

        #3. Go on a date - ALONE

        #2. Accept a dozen roses from a crush

        #1. Fall in love


Awwww! I love this bucket list Destiny has created! Did you guys like it too? 

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