Chapter 32 - Destiny

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Chapter Thirty Two


    I was totally NOT expecting Emmet to be there. I thought it was just going to be us girls and half of me was angry that he was taking up our time together. But then the other half of me was excited that I got to share a fun experience with him. Arrg! Sometimes life was too complicated...

    Anyway, we had just picked up Emmet from the dock and were slowly cruising around the lake. We got to around the middle when Lizzy stopped.

    "Why did you stop?" I asked the obvious.

    "Because it's time to eat. My stomach has been protesting and if I wait any longer he said he is going to eat my stomach lining instead." We all laughed.

    "Wait. We don't have anything for Emmet!" Anna said.

    "You can share with me." I offered.

    "Thanks Destiny."

    "Ok...who wants food?" Lizzy said, cutting the very awkward silence.

    "Me definitely!" Anna took her lunch out first, because it was on top. Then Lizzy passed mine to me and finally Lizzy took hers out.

    "What are you eating?" Emmet asked. I unzipped the Ziploc bag and took out a sandwich.

    "PB & J. Kind of average picnic food. Here." I ripped it in half, getting jelly on my hands. I passed him his slice then licked my fingers.

    "Thank you."

    "Your welcome." I fished out an apple from the bottom of the basket and began to munch on it when I finished my half sandwich. The apple was very small and I grabbed another one. I was about to eat the second one when I remembered how Emmet had nothing to eat.

    "Do you want this one?" I asked him, handing it out.

    "Only if you don't want it. If you're hungry, I don't need it." He said.

    "I don't want it. Have it." I handed it to him, my hand accidentally brushing his. His touch shocked me and I pulled my hand back.

    "Sorry." We said simultaneously.

    "You could cut the sexual tension here with a knife!" Lizzy suddenly exclaimed.


    "You two obviously have the hots for each other. It's so cute!" She squealed.

    "No I do not!" I said, sliding away from Emmet.

    "Oh yes you do too!" Anna said. I looked over at Emmet. His face was beginning to redden.

    "Guys you're embarrassing him!"

    "Sorry. Really Emmet sorry. It was just so cute I couldn't resist!" Lizzy squealed again.

    "I'm sorry. Seriously. I didn't think she'd freak out like that." I said, trying to forgive Lizzy.

    "It's ok. Maybe they are right. A little." He smirked. I couldn't see but I could feel Anna and Lizzy's mouths falling open.

    "I-" They began.

    "Don't even think about it." I cut in. They shut up right away. I smiled and took a deep breath. Time to change the subject!

    "Where should we go now?" Emmet asked for me.

    "Probably home." Anna suggested. "I have a lot of homework and it's already almost 5:30." We all agreed that was probably the safest thing to do.

    "Well that was a fun day!" Lizzy said as she backed the truck into the water.

    "Indeed it was!" I exclaimed.

    "Hey are we gonna give Emmet a ride home?" Anna asked.

    "EMMET! Want a ride home?"

    "Nah that's ok. I got a bike." He said.

    "We can throw your bike in the back." Lizzy suggested.

    "No that's ok. I'm good." I went over to say goodbye while Anna and Lizzy hitched the boat to the truck.

    "Thanks for coming out Emmet. It was fun." I said.

    "Yeah. I have a question for you."

    "No, Lizzy's not always like that. She just thinks...things." I said, expecting him to ask about Lizzy's behavior.

    "I wasn't going to ask that. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime. Just the two of us. Not in a bad way or anything...but you know...doing teenage...stuff." He said, awkwardly spitting out the last few words. I thought for a moment.

    "Des let's go!" I heard Lizzy yell.

    "Sure. Text me later ok?" I smiled and turned towards the truck, wondering what his reaction was.


OMG He asked her out!!!!!!!!! This was so much fun to write I hope you guys had as much fun reading it! Remember to vote, comment and share!


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