Chapter 3 - Anna

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Chapter Three


    I knocked and Lizzy's mom let me in quickly. She smiled and said she was glad I was back. I told her I was glad I was back too. I took off my shoes and put them on the mat with the other shoes and headed up to Liz's room.

    "Be careful! Destiny's not feeling very good right now. I think she's getting the flu." I nodded. 

    "Ok. I'll be careful." I headed up the stairs and knocked quietly on Lizzy's door. I opened it and suddenly heard retching from her bathroom.    

    "Uh, be right there mom!" Lizzy called from the bathroom. I first thought Lizzy was the one throwing up but then I heard her comferting Destiny, her soothing voice flowing over her like a river. 

    "Can I come in?" 


    "I opened the bathroom door and saw Destiny sitting in front of the toilet, shivering. Lizzy was sitting on the side of the tub, stroking her hair. 

    "Uh I feel like crap!" Destiny said. 

    "I totally understand!" I said, "Halfway through our trip, I ate some bad fish and, well, lets say I had one of the worst camping experiences of my life!" Destiny laughed and then stopped as her abdomen visably cramped up and she vomited into the toilet, Lizzy holding her long brown hair back. I went up and rubbed her back. Usually I'm squeamish about vomit but today I was different. 

    Destiny sat back and took a deep breath. "I think it's over." She stood up, her legs shaking. We led her back to Liz's bedroom where she crawled in under the covers. 

    "I hope you feel better." 

    "Me too. Oh and, welcome back!" She hugged me and I smiled. 

    "Yeah. I'm glad you had fun! Well, until the fish thing." We laughed. Destiny scooted over to the middle of the queen-size bed and we all squeezed in to watch the morning cartoons. 


Ok, yes, I know this one was even shorter but I promise a longer one will be coming up! Be patient! LoL :-) Hope you like it so far! Comment! Vote! Like! 


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