Chapter 31 - Emmet

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Chapter Thirty One 


    I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing on the nightstand beside me. I fumbled around in the dark for it, blinding myself with the harsh light. I blinked a few times, letting my eyes adjust to the change and then looked at the screen. I had one new text message...from a random number. I looked at the time and groaned. 1:42 AM. Who the heck would be texting me now? I decided to see it anyway. 

            hey...emmet? if this is the wrong number disregard this text plz! ok uh...message for emmet: this is destiny's best friend Lizzy. You probably met me b4 but still...anyway...i dont know if des told you already but she's home from the hospital...we are going out on (hopefully) Berry Lake tomorrow afternoon. if u want to u can come and say hi. i thought des would like the surprise. later dude.     ~Liz

    I read the text again. Then I read it again and again, trying to get my brain to think. Destiny was home? For a moment I was...ecstatic! So happy I wanted to get out of bed and jump up and down and scream it to the world. But then I wondered...why did she come back? Was she better? Or did she give up? My heart dropped to my shoes. 

    How could I know? How would I find out? What was I supposed to do? Go to the lake and say: "Oh hi Destiny, so are you cured or are you still dying"? I turned my phone off and crawled back under the covers and took a deep breath. Maybe I wouldn't ask that...bluntly but I had to know. 

    After school I took the bus home. I got home and as usual, no one was there. I saw a note taped to the refrigerator. It said that mom had gone to the doctor's, my little sister was at play practice and dad was working till 11. I got out my phone and texted my mom and dad asking if I could go to the lake. I soon got approval from my dad. 

    "Yes!" I said out loud. I got my things together, hopped on my bike and headed to Berry Lake. I didn't see a lot of people when I got there so I rode my bike down the street and got an ice cream. Then I sat on a bench and waited. 

    And waited. 

    And waited. I was just about to give up when I saw a boat come out from under one of the nearby bridges connecting the lakes. I didn't think much of it until I heard a laugh, a scream and a splash. My head jerked up and I saw the boat - empty. With three girls in the water. I laughed as well. I got up and walked around through the trees and across the bridge to the other side, half sliding, half running down the hill towards the shore. 

    "Destiny? Lizzy? Is that you guys?" 

    "EMMET?!" I heard Destiny exclaim. 

    "Yeah. Are you guys ok?" I smiled and managed to hold back my laughter. 

    "Uh..yeah we're fine. Wet...but fine." Lizzy said, somehow managing to climb back into the boat. 

    "Do you guys need any help?" 

    "Go back to the dock and we'll pick you up." Lizzy braced herself with her foot as she helped pull Destiny on-board. Then Destiny and Lizzy both helped Anna crawl over the side. They were all soaking wet. I nodded and went back to the dock where they brought the boat. They didn't even slow down much, just got close enough for me to jump in. So I did. 

    "Well..."I started, trying to find the right words, "You guys look like you've had a fun day so far..." They started to laugh. 

    "Yeah, yeah I guess so." Lizzy tipped her head to the side and squeezed the water out of her hair. I watched as the droplets cascaded down from the top of her head, over her fingers and down to the floor of the boat, splashing into little puddles. Destiny shook her head back and forth really fast like a dog - the water spraying everywhere. 

    "Hey Des!" Anna yelled at her. 

    "Sorry, I can't exactly do it Lizzy's way." She ran her fingers through her short hair, shaking out extra water. 

    "Yeah. Sorry about that." I said. 

    "Why should you be sorry? It's not like you cut my hair or made it fall out!" She laughed. 

    "True. So what should we do now?" I asked. Lizzy got back near the motor and we turned away from the beach, out into the open water. 


Emmet and the girls out on the lake! I like that - anybody else? Remember to vote, comment and share! 


PS. Stay tuned to what happens between Emmet and Destiny in the following chapters....if you can't stand waiting and want spoilers...message me!  XP

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