Chapter 19 - Anna

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Chapter Nineteen


    Three hours later, a nurse came by with a tray of pills for Destiny. 

    "Oh no not..." She groaned. 

    "Sorry. Did I interrupt something?" She asked, grinning at Destiny's fake party hat we had made for her out of the wrapping paper. 

    " We were just visiting." Lizzy answered. 

    "What are those?" I asked suddenly. 

    "This is Destiny's first round of chemo treatment. Now, I do have to warn you this may cause you to be nauseated, vomit, and you might have some diarrhea." Destiny groaned and flopped back onto the pillows. 

    "I JUST ate a whole bunch! Don't tell me I'm gonna throw it all up!" She looked at the nurse. 

    "It won't be as bad. I promise. You're also going to be on intravenous chemo too." 

    "Like, one of those bags with a needle in my hand?" The nurse nodded. I slunk back to sit on the couch, still slightly stunned that this was all happening. Suddenly my phone started to ring. It was my mom. I looked at Lizzy with a terrified look on my face. She knew and came over. 


    "What do I say? We left - JUST like that! We RAN AWAY!" I said, harshly but quietly. 

    "And I'll tell them all it was my idea. Got it?" I handed her the phone. 


    "ANNA WHERE IN GOD'S NAME ARE YOU?" Anna's mother was so loud Destiny could hear her and she was on the other side of the room. 

    "This is Lizzy."

    "Oh no. No no no no no what's happened - where ARE you?" 

    "Ok this is going to take a lot of explaining. Just calm down. Anna is fine. All of us, Anna, me, and my boyfriend Damien all came up with money for gas and we drove here. We are in Minneapolis, in Destiny's hospital room. We thought we would surprise her with a visit and make her feel better. Please don't ground Anna or yell at her, it was my idea and if we had remembered, we would've called you the second we got here." I said. I waited a few moments, looking around the room. Everyone was silent. 

    "Oh. Thank you. I'm sorry I overreacted. Are you guys spending the night?" I took the phone away from my ear and asked them the same question. Destiny's eyes lit up and I told Anna's mom that yes, we were. 

    "Ok. I'll call your mom, and tell her that. Please be back tomorrow." She hung up. I handed the phone back to Anna. 

    "We're in the clear. Now, where's your mom?" Lizzy asked Destiny. 

    "I have no idea. She seemed to disappear the second we got here. To be honest, I'm pretty ticked at her right now. Could someone like, page her and find her? I mean, she probably has no idea that her daughter is about to get chemo for the first time and it will make her hair fall out and make me puke and I'll-" Destiny's voice had gotten considerably louder since she opened her mouth and I rushed over and told her to calm down. 

    "I CAN'T calm down! I-" She started to cry. The nurse was in a corner of the room, still holding the tray of pills, like she didn't know what to do. I could tell she was new. Way new. 

    "You need to take these Des." Lizzy said. Destiny finally agreed and swallowed them. She curled back on the bed and announced to us that she was going to sleep. We all backed off and let her. I guess our party was over. 


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I just got a new job and a new pet so I've been pretty busy! Anyway, hope you liked this chapter! Comment! Vote! Share! 


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