Chapter 12 - Emmet

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Chapter Twelve


    Those two simple little letters sent a chill down my body. This beautiful girl I met was dying? It couldn't be true. I dropped what I was holding, not even remembering what it was.

    "You've got to be kidding." 

    "Do I LOOK like I'm kidding?! Sorry." She said, pressing her face into her hands. "I'm not myself right now. My mom and I are going to Minneapolis to one of their hospitals that deals with cancer and I really don't want to go because it will just remind me that I'm you know, dying and I have no idea why I'm telling you all of this." She sighed. 

    "I don't know why you're telling me all of this either but I can tell it's helping you feel better. You know what always makes me feel better?" I left her at the counter and disappeared behind the staff door and in a minute or two returned with two tall glasses of steaming hot chocolate.  

    "Ohhh!" She moaned. "I love hot chocolate!" 

    "Me too! I can't stand normal chocolate. Too rich. This is just right and it warms you up." I took off my apron they asked us to wear and came around to sit on a chair next to her. 

    "You know," she said, stirring her drink, "I don't think I can do this!" I put my hand on her arm. She was freezing. 

    "Minneapolis is 2 1/2 hours away and all my friends live here and well...I'll be alone." 

    "Maybe I can come visit you. Bring you some hot chocolate." I smiled and she laughed. She sniffed and wiped her nose on a napkin.

    "Maybe. You know you're really sweet." She grasped my hand and squeezed it. Then let go. The simple touch of skin had been enough to send shivers down my spine. I wondered it she knew I liked her. My hands started to shake so I got up and went around to the other side of the counter, pretending to be busy with counting the change in the register.

    "So, are you a junior?" She asked.

   "Going to be. You?" I said.

    "Same. Are you going to school here?" 

    "Yeah." I said. "I'm turning 16 in January. You?"

    "I'll be 15 in a month."


    "Yeah. Maybe I'll see you around the halls. Hey, for the record, maybe I should get your phone number in case you wanna bring me some hot chocolate." She smiled. I nodded and wrote down my number for her. 

    "Thanks. Gotta go, my mom is probably wondering where I am." She laid two dollars on the table and left, quietly and slowly walking up the street, illuminated in the street lamp's light. In that moment, I fell for her like no other 15 year old could.

She looked like an angel.  


Kind of a sweet ending! Who else hopes that Emmet will visit her in the hospital? :-D I DO! 


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