Chapter 25 - Lizzy

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Chapter Twenty Five


    The second I got Destiny's text that she was coming home I freaked out. Since it was a Saturday Damien was at my house eating lunch and he thought I was having some sort of psychotic spasm. When I told him the news, he started to freak out too! We abandonded lunch and drove to Anna's house, waking her mom up from a nap. She wasn't as mad at us when we told them.

    "We have to have a party." Anna said. I looked at her funny. She usually wasn't the spontaneus type but I guess this whole experience has changed her.

    "She will be here in 2 hours! How can we put together a party in that short amount of time?" I asked.

    "Lizzy's basement is a great place! With the giant TV and the little kitchen!" Anna exclaimed.

    "I'll go and get the pop and food! Liz could you get the cake? Come on Anna come with me!" He grabbed her arm and rushed outside.

    "Wait for me! My car's still at my place!" I hopped in the car with them. They dropped me off at my house to grab my car so I could go to the store and pick up party supplies. This was all happening so fast it took forever to think clearly. Then I thought to myself: Why should I think clearly? Thinking messy is always more fun!

    I got to the store and literally ran to the party supplies isle. I believe it was isle 4. I grabbed cups, plates, decorations and anything else I could think of. I raced to the register, quickly paying for everything. I went back to my car and drove to Dairy Queen. I bought an ice cream cake that said WELCOME HOME! I ran back to Walmart and grabbed one of those squeezy-cake decoration-tube things. Again, I raced to my car - by now it was about 2:30. She should be arriving at 3:30. Then it was about a 30 minute drive to the airport so she should get to my house at around 4.

    The cake was looking a little warm-ish so I quickly wrote Destiny's name on it and got it into the freezer in the basement kitchen. My mom and my dad just stood there as I raced between the basement and my car.

    "What is going on?" They asked. I then realized I never told them what I was doing!

    "Destiny is coming back! We're throwing her a party! Can you help?" I asked. They nodded and helped with the decorations. We put up strips of colorful tissue paper along the top of the wall. I heard the front door open upstairs and briefly thought Destiny was a half hour early. Then I saw Anna and Damien fly down the stairs.

    "How much time left?" I asked. Damien looked at his phone.

    "30 minutes. Destiny and her mom would probably take a taxi down here. Anna and I rented a few movies and we got pop and other food. Liz - where are your pillows and blankets?" I turned around and gave him my are-you-seriously-asking-me-that-question look.

    "Nevermind." He went back upstairs and soon came down with a bunch of pillows and blankets for a sleepover. We finished the decorations around the same time. We decided to put a lot of dark tissue paper and beads and yarn in front of the doorway, so then when Destiny walked into the entry way, she wouldn't see beyond them. Plus, the lights would be off as well. She was in for a big surprise.

    "Ok we should text her - tell her to come to Lizzy's." Anna said. I nodded and took out my phone.

        hey des, its Liz. this is extremely important. when u get back to duluth, u NEED to come to my house. im in the basement. its extremely urgent! :\

    "How's that?" I asked. Damien read it out loud. We all nodded it was a good text. It wouldn't give anything away and it told her to meet us in the basement. Now all we had to do was wait.


Oooo can't wait for Destiny to get home! :D

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