Chapter 26 - Anna

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Chapter Twenty Six


    The waiting was the worst. We had turned the lights off and everything. We were hiding behind the kitchen counter waiting for Destiny to show up. You know when you're waiting for something exciting to happen and it feels like time slows down just to annoy you? Well I'm pretty sure it acutally DID. I was just about to get up and check my phone to see if she was delayed or anything when I heard the front door upstairs open. 

    "SHHHH she's here!" Everyone ducked farther down. 

    "Lizzy? Anna? What's so important?" We didn't answer her. 

    "Are you guys even here?" She walked through the beads/yarn curtain and we all jumped up as she flipped the lights on. 

    "WELCOME HOME DES!" We all screamed. She gasped, smiled and started to cry. 

    "Oh my god!" She ran to us and gave hugs. "You got all this done in 2 hours?" She asked. We nodded, crying with her. I finally let myself go and we all cried together. 

    "Yeah. We really wanted to welcome you home after 6 months." 

    "I love you guys so much!" After a lot of happy joyful crying and hugs, we all calmed down. I took a deep breath. 

    "Want some ice cream cake?" Liz asked her. 

    "You got CAKE too? It's not my birthday Liz!" 

    "It's the first day of the rest of your life. I want to celebrate it." I said, willing myself not to cry. I knew that the rest of Destiny's life wouldn't last very long and that simple truth devastated and terrified me more than anything. 

     I took a deep breath and told myself I wasn't going to think about that right now so we all went into the kitchen and we cut up the ice cream cake. It was chocolate and vanilla ice cream with a spongy vanilla cake base. We took our slices into the Den and flipped on the TV. 

    "What do you want to watch?" Lizzy asked her. 

    "How about Juno?" 

    "That one where the girl gets knocked up from that nerdy kid?" 

    "Yeah! I thought that was pretty funny." 

    "You've seen the whole thing?" I asked. 

    "No. Just the beginning. I stopped when she was sitting in Bleaker's yard, in the recliner chair, telling him she was pregnant." 

    "Oh. So you want to finish it?" 

    "Yeah. Have you seen it Anna?"

    "No. None of it. It sounds interesting though." I laughed and Lizzy found the movie on Netflix. We all settled back on the large sofa, ate our ice cream cake and watched Juno. 

    After the movie was over, Damien left to go to work. We decided to watch A Walk to Remember next. We got pretty far into it before I realized the big mistake we had made. We got the scene when Jamie told Landon she was sick with Leukemia. When she told him she was sick and he started to cry, Destiny's face changed from focused on the movie to something so sad it made my heart break. She kept her face on the TV while a river of hot tears rolled down her cheeks. They seemed to be never-ending. She continued to stare a the TV even after Lizzy turned it off. 

    Lizzy was crying too. Lizzy never cried. Even when she fell from a tree and snapped her arm in half, the bone poking through the skin. She never cried. But now, I was seeing Lizzy at her weakest. I was seeing Destiny at her weakest. 

    Turns out, being sick like Destiny was wasn't as much a physcial battle as it was a mental one. Think about it. You're going through treatment to kill this sickness, only to find out it won't work and you are going to die before you can even graduate high school. That you have to deal with the fact your parents will have to bury you instead of watching you grow up and get married, or have a baby. That's what hits you the most when you're sick like that. And I was watching it completely consume Destiny. 

    Some days I actually wished she would die so she didn't have to worry about all this emotional crap anymore. But then I thought about how me and Lizzy would feel if she died. I honestly don't know if Lizzy and I could handle it. I decided to stop thinking about it. I hugged Destiny and cried with her as Lizzy changed the movie into something that wouldn't affect Destiny as much as the last one did. We sat, ate candy, drank pop and tried to forget about Destiny's future. 


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while... :( But I promise to update more now! 

Sad chapter! I was down in the dumps when I wrote it because I had to give my dog away... :'( So i felt like writing somethign sad....but not worry! Happy days are ahead!!! :D 

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