Chapter 22 - Lizzy

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Chapter Twenty Two


    The next 2 hours went by very very quickly. First we sorted all the letters and cards into 3 seperate piles - one pile for me, one for Anna and one for Destiny. 

    "Oh look at this one!" Destiny said. She held up a picture of a little girl drawing an S with her. "I remember her. Donna. She couldn't draw an S before." There was no writing. Just the picture. We smiled and put it in another "read" pile. I picked up another one. Again, it was only a drawing with no words. These must have come from very young children, too young to write yet. It had a picture of all of us - Anna, me and Des standing with her and another younger boy (probably her brother) in front of the "welcome summer" sign. Since she couldn't write, she drew a picture of flowers and sunshine in place of the words. I started to tear up at this, thankful to God that these children still acted like children, even after everything they've gone through. 

    "Oh guys read this one!" Destiny said. She picked up the small letter and began to read out loud: 

    " I hope you get well, and if you get scared, just close your eyes and wish real hard, my mommy says that anything can change if you wish hard enough. From Lila." 

    "Oh my goodness. That is adorable." Anna said, taking the paper. There were shooting stars drawn around the rest of the paper. Wishing stars. I sighed. I looked around at Anna and Destiny - they were looking over other cards. I closed my eyes tight and did exactly what that little girl said. I wished as hard as I could that Destiny would leave this hospital. I said it over and over to myself. When I opened my eyes, Destiny had just turned to me and smiled. I smiled back. At least this moment wasn't unbearable. 

    What I didn't know yet was that moments between us were about to get very bad very fast. 

    "Damien!" Anna said suddenly. My head jerked toward the door. He came over and picked up a letter. 

    "What are you guys...oh. Listen to this: "hi my name is Lucy. i had fun makin tings wit you. pleese come bak sumtime. :)" He showed us the letter with hearts drawn around it. 

    "Oh this is adorable. She didn't mention her room number." Destiny said. "I would've gone to say hi but..." She trailed off. 

    "So this is what you guys are doing?" Damien asked. I nodded. 

    "Hey is this Des's room-" A guy's voice said from the door. 

    "Who's asking?" Lizzy said. 

    "This is Emmet. I think you know me. At least a little." He said, walking forward very slowly. 

    "Hi Emmet. Why did you come?" Destiny asked. 

    "I don't know. I guess I was getting worried. I wanted to make sure you were ok." He said, looking down at the floor. "After what I saw on skype, I figured you would want a friend. Not that you don't have any its just my summer is kind of boring and I don't have a lot of people to talk to and you seem like a really nice person to hang aroud and-" He kept rambling on like a little kid. It was cute, in a way. 

    "Hey Emmet why don't you hang out with Destiny for a little bit? We have to go." I said, giving them some time to be together. 

    "Oh - ok." He said. I smiled and took Anna with me. We left. 


I hope you guys liked the card idea. Thought it was cute and I had to add it in there. :) Sorry this chapter is so short! I promise they will get bigger! Thanks for reading please Comment Vote and Share! :) 


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