Chapter 13 - Destiny

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Chapter Thirteen


    As I walked home, feeling refreshed, energized and best of all, less afraid, I knew my suspicions were confirmed. Emmet liked me. I know he did. After I squeezed his hand, he did the typical teenage-boy thing. He got up and put distance between us. I couldn't help but smile on my way home. 

    I opened the door and my parents were waiting. 

    "Where have you BEEN?" My mom practically screamed at me. 

    "The ice cream shop. Big deal." 

    "It is a big deal! We have no idea what could

happen to you! We don't know what this cancer will do! I can't have you wandering around without us knowing where you are..." I tuned her out. My dad just stood beside her, his eyes telling me he wanted out of this ASAP. I waited until my mom was done ranting and I went to my room afterwards. I found my cell phone and texted Lizzy: 

        hey girl. im feelin alone. wanna come over and watch tv and fill ourselves on snacks? :) 

        sure. now? 

        yeah. c u soon?

        yup! :) 

    I sighed and smiled. I went downstairs and made a bowl of popcorn and two chocolate milkshakes - Lizzy's favorite night time movie snack. I was pouring the 2nd milkshake when Lizzy knocked and walked in. She came over and hugged me, while I was holding the pitcher of the blender and the tall glass cup full of chocolate milkshake. 


    "Sorry." She laughed. 

    "Oh are those for us?" She dipped her pinkie in the one I was holding and sucked on her finger. "Yum!" 

    "Yeah they are. I got a movie up in my room." 

    "What is it?" 

    "Artic Blast. It's got Michael Shanks in it!" 

    "Seriously?" Lizzy thought Michael Shanks was hot. I couldn't disagree more. I mean, sure he's good-looking but hot? No. Ha. 

    "Yes. Apparently he saves the world from an apocolyptic negative degree cold front." She smiled. 

    "He's a hero!" I rolled my eyes. 

    "Come on!" I laughed and took the popcorn and my shake. We went upstairs and turned the movie on. For that brief moment, I forgot what was happening tomorrow. I forgot everything. I smiled. 

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