Chapter 33 - Destiny

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Chapter Thirty Three 


    As soon as I got home, I whipped out my phone and texted Emmet.

    hey dude its des. earlier today i wanted to clarify something - were you asking me out?!

    I waited for his response. Quickly - within 2 minutes he texted back.

    yeah I guess. Maybe. I've never dated a girl before - i've never even asked a girl out...sorry

    why are you sorry? I asked.

    well aren't you saying no?

    lol! No silly! I'm saying YES! When should we go out? Every letter I typed my heart fluttered and I started to shake out of...anticipation? Fear? I couldn't even tell! I told myself to breathe and took several deep breaths. Then my phone buzzed.

    are you busy tomorrow after school? I gasped. This has NEVER happened to me before and it was all so new and exciting I could hardly keep my head on straight!

    i don't think so...let me go ask my mom. brb I practically threw my phone onto my bed as I rushed downstairs.

    "Mom! Mom!" I said, almost knocking into her.

    "What? What's wrong Destiny?" She said, sternly.

    "Nothing! Ok well, something. But it's not a bad thing! It's awesome!" She looked at me with the look that said, keep-talking-or-i'm-going-to-walk-away. "I...ok first off, this guy I like, his name is Emmet and he's really nice and sweet and not like those other guys at school. But anyway...he just asked me out." My mom's eyebrows lifted. "He wants to take me out tomorrow after school. Is that ok?" I almost literally held my breath.

    "Uh...alright I guess. Just be careful! You know what that age group of boys is into..." I rolled my eyes.

    "Yes mom I know. But I promise you he's not like the other guys who just want to screw you. Promise! He even came to visit me while I was in the hospital!" My mom smiled.

    "Ok. Curfew is at 9." I hugged my mom and ran back upstairs, remembering to yell "thank you" at the top of the stairs.

    my mom says I can! my curfew is at 9. :D 

    that's AWESOME! so how about i pick you up at 4:30?

    sure! :)

    ok see you then! :)  I shut my phone and took 3 big deep breaths. This can't be happening! This can't be happening! This TOTALLY can't be happening!!! My mind screamed. But it WAS happening. The thing that I thought would never happen to me just happened. And I could hardly believe it. I HAD to text Lizzy!


How cute is this? Emmet finally and formally asked her out! I wonder where he's going to take her...Remember to PLEASE comment, vote and share! It means WORLDS to me when you do!


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