Agatha is one of the twins which guides the lost souls.Denki's golden eyes go wide at the mention of the name and there is a burst of a blinding light and he wakes up with a jolt.
He was sweating badly and his clothes hugged him like a second layer of skin. His both hands and neck were burning from the unknown phantom pains.
Denki looks around the empty common room.
He let's out a sigh of relief as no one was there to witness his little episode.
He brings up his knees to his chest and circles his hands around his knees and places his chin on the top of his knees.
He needed to write this nightmare down before he forgets.
The scent of coffee makes him look at the table beside him.
Denki sees a tray covered with a note attached to it which reads : four shots of espresso and buttered toast.
Denki removes the tray from the coffee and the buttered toast and laughs to himself and thinks, 'I thought I was hallucinating at that moment when I said it to Midoriya'.
The coffee was still steaming hot. Denki folds Kirishima's Jacket and places it on the side table and takes his food tray up to his room and tries to formulate a plan on how he could get his Hero license card back from the peacock bastard. He was in a great perilous situation now.
But first - he needed to write the nightmare in his Plan Book.
Denki sighs as he unlocks his door and places his tray on the study table as soon as he enters.
And he looks around his room and calls out the black cat's name, "fate pspsps where are you? He even looks under his bed, closet and bathroom.
That's odd where did the cat go off to?. Did it slip past him while he was going out for his internship at night?. Fudge! cats and their flexible bodies.
Denki sighs and grabs his Plan Book from the corner of the shelf and opens it and writes the nightmare down on a new page while munching on the buttered toast and sipping on the coffee.
After writing down all the vivid descriptions and he circles around Agatha's name and taps his pen on the surface of the desk while muttering, "Where have I heard this name?? Where? come on brain think? Ahhhh urghgh...I give up. I can't think properly until I get my hero licence card back".
Denki grabs his hair in distress and pulls at it and looks at the time. He better hurry up and get dressed for his freaking date.
Denki sighs and hopes he does not get any weird cooties from the peacock plague bastard.
He finally closes his book and hides it in between his other school books and opens his closet and quickly grabs random clothes for his date.
He then quickly walks into his personal bathroom and takes a quick shower and scrubs his skin so aggressively to get rid of the dirt, grim and sweat from skin that he now looks like a pink freaking strawberry. And applies nail cuticle serum on his broken split nails and proceeds to put on his clothes.
As he was putting on a purple sweater over his white turtleneck top he felt the lights of his bathroom flicker with an eerie static sound. Denki stares at the flickering lights for a moment.
Denki's corner of the eye caught something moving in the corner. So he looks towards the mirror and he nearly gets a heart attack when he sees the words forming on the bloody mirror.
The words were:
I will appear only when you need me.
Denki in fright falls into his empty tub and stares at the mirror and everything goes back to normal the lights are not flickering anymore and the mirror is spotless with no words.
What in the bloody hell is wrong with his head?. And who will appear when he needs them?. He was already losing marbles before saving little Eri-chan and Midoriya from turning emo.
Denki with a shaky breath gets up from the tub and does a double take of his surroundings.
Something is wrong with him like seriously serious since he time traveled back. But why does he not have the time to think about it because is hero license card is with fricking Overhaul.
Denki dismissed the thoughts at the moment, when it was not right to take these sightings lightly and quickly puts on his black converse shoes and grabbed the food plate and coffee mug to be taken to the kitchen.
Denki quickly on auto pilot mode places the mug and plate under the kitchen sink and turns round to meet the scowling face of Bakugou Katsuki who stared at Denki with crossed arms up and down and said, "What the heck are you wearing?".
"A white turtle neck top and a purple sweater".
"Why are you wearing that?".
"It brings out my eyes" blurts Denki and innocently stares at Bakugou, whose ears now turn slightly red.
Indeed, the purple colour always brought out Denki's eyes.
Bakugou's red eyes darts towards Sero Hanta who was sitting on the bar stool doing his math homework while listening into their conversation and laughing but stops when he sees Bakugou glaring at him. He turns his laugh into fake coughs to conceal it. But the way his shoulders shook was evident that Sero Hanta was having a hard time controlling his laugh.
Denki did not have all day to play the staring contest game with Bakugou and walked past Bakugou. Only for his wrist to be grabbed by Bakugou who softens his gaze at Denki and asks in his normal tone, "Where are you off to sunshine?".
"I need to touch some grass" says Denki with a deadpan look.
Bakugou sighs and grumbles something under his breath and lets go of Denki wrist and walks with a slouchy form towards the common room sofa and slump down on it like an angry pomeranian.
Denki with one raised eyebrow stares at Sero Hanta who in return shrugs his shoulders.
Denki sighs, 'What are his friends actually trying to convey through their actions and words was getting very hard for Denki to decipher. Why can't they just be their usual goofy idiot selves like usual!?'.

This time I will protect them I won't be a coward
FanfictionDuring the final war arc Kaminari Denki gets hit in the head and wakes up in his 14 year old body two months before his UA entrance exam and vows to protect his friends by supporting them as a side character from the side lines but he does not real...