Chapter 3 : Lair

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"Stop!" I whispered yelled to them and ran in front of them
"Why are we stopping,(Y/N)? "
"Because, Raph, I know these parts the Kraang have certaint routines . About this time they should be here. This way!" I quickly run into a opening to my right as the others follow me.
"So where are you trying to go?"
"Back to are lair. Or our home." Responded Mikey. I waited till the Kraang moved on to another section. "Ok go!" I said as the one named Leo took the lead . "We are close " April said.
Wait...I know this place I've been here...
"Leo! You can't get in there its guarded by robots the Kraang built. "
"She is right ,Leo,look." Donnie said as he motioned to the lair where drones were hovering around the lair.
"What are those?" Asked Mikey
"They are drones the Kraang use it also has motion sensors to detect movements in that area that's why it keeps on scanning the rooms. "
"Uhh Can you explain that again." He asked tilting his head in confusion.
"Robots that can tell if someone is inside the room." I said refraining it.
"Well now what gut w- Ah! "
"April what's wrong? " Cassie asked worried
"I can since him. Master Splinter! I don't know how he seems to be in distress! Not the same! Come on this way!"

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