Chapter 9: The Docks

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Im sitting on the couch with my team when my ringtone goes off.
I got up and answered.
"Hey Raph!"
"Hey (Y/N) we found out where Karai is met us at the docks."
"Got it bye"
I hung up the phone and looked at my team Joy,James,and Cassie.
"Hey guys I know where Karai is!"
"What how?!" Joy asked.
"No time to explain let's go!" I said and they nodded getting up running with me to the docks

~At The Dock~

"You guys stay here wait for my signal."
"What's the signal?" James asked.
"I'll shoot a flare ok?"
They all nodded and got into position as I jump on a container where the four turtles are.
"I'm here guys."
"Good fill her in Donnie fill her in."
"Right Leo, well two men has captured Karai for Shredder. I belive their names are-"
I cut Donnie off "Ivan Steranko and Anto Zeck. I know them. Well ish heard of them by Shredder but I only met Steranko once." They nodded.
The I saw a man...a man I knew well. Shredder...then Xever Montes and Chris Bradford. That are mutants
"You get Karai I got Shredder."
"No (Y/N) you get Karai I have Shredder."
I ignored Leo and jumped down right in front of Shredder.
"Well look who it is...Nice to see your again daugh-"
"IM GONNA KILL YOU" I said and shot a flare up in the air and my team jumped down surrounding Shredder.
"Oh you got a new team. Suprised seeing how the last one ended. "
"Shut up Shredder ! I'm gonna end you. "
"Lets see you try my dear,(Y/N)."
I grabbed my Tessens and ran at Shredder. As I did Joy pulled her katana out and went to strike him but he caught her katana. Then I jumped up to kick him in the head . I failed. He caught my leg and then threw me and Joy both. We were able to land on on the ground with our feet but but barely. James then hit Shredder making him stumble back Looks like James caught him off guard. Then as he stumbled Cassie slid to trip him but he jumped and she missed .
I and James both ran at him ,me with my Tessens and James with his twin daggers, I go to hit him but i get hit by Cassie who was throw at me. We both fell. I then saw Shredder standing above me armed raised ready to slash me. He swings his arm but I caught it. Both of my knees on the ground. I use all my strength to try to stand up. I get half way standing till Mikey kicks Shredder out of the way. "What the heck why aren't you helping leo?!"
I said as I saw Leo over on the other side fighting off the others.
"You need are help!" Raph yelled but was hit by Shredder.
"Don't you touch him!" I yelled and side kicked Shredder. He growls at me . Donnie goes to attack him but gets throw into Mikey. I run up the side of one of the container as I see James get kicked in the chest and then in the side sending him flying back into cassie. I then push myself off the container and as I come right near Shredder I do on spin hitting him with all force with my Tessens and he is sent flying back but lands on his feet. "You can't kill me,(Y/N).Now give me my Karai!"
I looked over and see Leo letting her go into the water. "WHAT THE HEL-HECK?!" I yell.
"Karai no!" Shredder yelled.
"Back to the shadows." I say and my team goes back behind the containers. As does Leos team. As Shredder is left there. We then make it a little further and we stop.
"(Y/N) , I-"
I stop Leo by punching him.

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