Chapter 49 : "You're Mine."

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Raph climbs on top of me straddling my waist. He smirks as I blush hard. He leans down and starts kissing my neck. I let out low moans. He starts biting on my neck. "R-Raph!" I blush as his kisses move down my neck.
He smirks and lifts up my shirt, but only half way.He kisses my stomach. I start laughing.
"T-t-that t-tickles" I giggle and he smiles looking up at me.
He then pulls my pants off. I gasp and gulp thinking of what he might do. He smirks and goes down further kissing up my legs. "What's wrong,(Y/n)." He says. I moan loudly. Hating and loving the way he teases me. He comes back up so me and him are face to face.
"You're Mine. Got that?" He growled lowly
I whimper and nod.
He lays by me, and I quickly go into his arms snuggling into him. He kisses my head. I smile and slowly fall asleep. Wait no I'm slipping...into a vision. I can tell when I'm dreaming and a vision usually.

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