Chapter 4: What The Shell?!

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April ran though parts of the sewers and we followed. What the shell?!
"What the heck?!"
"Yeah that's are Father Splinter." Mikey said. "Hey those are Baxster Stockmans Mousers!"
I say but all of the sudden I was knocked down by the giant rat who is called Splinter.
"Get him" Leo said, as they all held him down. But I feel something off. "We aren't alone!" I yelled "What do you mean, (Y/N)?"
"What I mean Donnie is BEHIND YOU!" I yell as I throw my Tessen (your main weapon is a Tesson) at Donnie but it goes right by him liked planed hitting a Footbot. "FOOT!" Casey yelled as they stated attacking us. "Keep Splinter safe!"
"Keep yourself safe too!" I yelled kicking a Footbot that was behind Raph about to strike him.
"What the-....Thanks..." Raph mumbled the last part. I nodded with a slight smile and began fighting . "Where's Splinter? !" Mikey yelled
"Crap they got him,Guys !" Leo yelled.
"Don't worry I know where they would have taken him. " I said and they all turned and looked at me.
"To Baxter Stockmans lab... and I know where to find it!"

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