Chapter 37: "Show Me"

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_Late That Night_
I and Raph went to bed I'm snuggled in close to him. I have my ear to his chest and can hear his heart beat fast. My god how much I love him.
"I want to see you in Lepored form."
"W-why? I look ugly."
"No you don't I like it. It looks pretty to me."
I blush deeply. I stand up and start taking off my cloths. Raph jolts up and blushes.
"W-w-what ar-are y-y-"
"I don't want to rip my cloths Raph now calm down!" I blush as I'm completely naked. I then slowly feel myself turn into leopard form. He smiles and looks me up and down.
"(Y/n),come here." I slowly walk to Raph. He stands up and walks around I turn and face him. He smirks and pushes me on the bed. I gasp as he gets on top of me straddling me. I blush and look up into his neon green eyes. He kisses me passionately. He moves his hands up and down my sides. He stops when I start to make a noise. "Are you purring?" He asks me smirking. Oh shit...since I'm like I cat I guess I...o gosh...
"N-no!" I blush deeply and his smirks only grows wider. He then touches my stomach and slowly moves it's down. Further and further. I moan as my imagination takes off. He smirks and lightly brushes my area. I moan loudly. "Oops finger slipped." He said smirking knowing good and well what he is doing. He grabes a hold of my waist roughly growling in my ear. "R-Raph~" I moans out. He is going all animal!
He licks up my neck. Causing me to shiver and chills go up my spine. Then all of the sudden he gets off of me and lays down beside me. I blink a couple of times and he chuckles
"What, (Y/n)?"
"Your mean."
"You turned me on then stop...and.."
"It's makes me want you."
"That's why I do it."
He smirks.
"Oh don't worry you'll get your wish...another time."
I sigh and he pulls me into his chest. I blush and slowly go back to normal. Oh shit I'm still naked... I shrug... oh well not like he doesn't know what I look like. I slowly start to fall asleep in Raphs arms. Felling save and sound.

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