Chapter 44: "Your Not My Mother!"

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Theme for this Chapter 'Ignite'  English. Yeah I know I put some kind of Theme song for the chapters it's  because the song relate to the chapter if you listen to the song.

I,Luke,and my mother are on top of the building. 
"Now once the light goes green we can drop down." She says. The light turns green but then...I feel off I'm falling... I hit the ground hard,and Luke lands by me. I see the turtles run in... being chased. Mikey and Donnie getting chased by Bebop and Rocksteady while Raph and Leo is getting chased by TigerClaw. I stand up to see we are all surrounded.
"What the hell, Mom?!" She starts laughing.Then out from the shadow comes Shredder.
"Hello Daughter our family is finaly together just like you wanted." Shredder said. I growled at my mom and him
"I never was sweetie."
She says and smiles.
"I knew there was something off about you!!" Yelled Mikey and Raph.
"Ready Guys 1...2-"
"No,Leo...." I said and stepped forward with my head down.
"They are all mine!"
"Don't be an idiot!" Donnie yelled.
"She isn't." Luke stepped up.
"I'm fighting with you (Y/n)
"(Y/N)!...remember how good we are when we fight together...we can do this." Luke smiles at me. I blush,grin, and nod.
Me and Luck got back to back my Tessens out and his twin kitannas.
"Just like the old days." He said with a chukle.
I smiled and nodded.
"Just like the old days."

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