Chapter 58:Trapped In A Dream

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I wake up...."In the Lair? I-impossible. ..I was just... " gets up and looks around. I sigh and stop hearing a voice. " stay the hell away from me! " I say as I see shredder. He laughs and grabes my arm. "Come on,what's wrong my daughter? !" He laughs and throws me down "Where are my friend?!" I yell and growl at him. He chuckles and points over behind me. I look and eyes widen. "No!"
He laughs "oh don't forget the last of the turtles ." He says
"(Y/n)!!" I heard...Raphael yell. I turn and see Shredder holding Raph by the neck "No! Please no!!!!" I screamed and started to run to Raph. But shredder stabbed him. I stoped and dropped to my knees "Raphael..." I whispered in tears and Shredder dropped him. I caught Raph and start to cry,holding Raphael, his cold and lifeless body. Craddiling his head and is shaking badly holding him close. Then I hear a voice again... Raphael? ...
"Hey wake up!" I heard him yell. I open my eyes and a bright light hits it. "Wake up! Emily! " I groan and sit up looking around. "what the hell? " I mumbled.
"Karai she tricked us. Made a trap for us. To kill us for Shredder. Come on." He said,
I got up and looked around seeing the other turtles and followed.
_Time Skip_
-At The Lair-
I sigh and walk in the lair with the others.
April growled lightly "I should have took her down "
I looked at April "Like you could."
"And you don't think I can?"
"I know your cant" I said and got up then I turned quickly around catching her tessen. I narrow my eyes at her "You wanna fight
You got one."
~To Be Continued
Sorry for the long wait High School and stuff. But now I'm about to be in break so yay more up dates!!

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