Chapter 46: Luke And (Y/N) Part 2

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Again for a chapter 'Crossing Field'. Dubbed but in a other English version.

_(Y/N) POV_
I and Luke are side by side about to face off against my 'mother' and Shredder...I'm ending this here and now.

_Raph POV_
I see (Y/n) and Luke stand side by side looking at Shredder and Kelly. They nod and take off running at them. Then right before Luke gets to Shredder ,and (Y/n) to Kelly. (Y/n) jumps over Luke,and Luke as (Y/n) jumps he slides under her. (Y/n) slashes Shredder across the face, while Luke side hits Kelly with his kitanna. But Shredder grabs (Y/n)s arm.Next thing I know is I hear a crack then a scream.
"(Y/N)!!"We all yelled and attacked Shredder. Luke pushed Kelly away and grabbed (Y/n) . I threw a smoke boom ,and we all disappeared.
"M-my arm is...broken." (Y/n) says as she holds onto Luke.
We make it to the lair and Donnie takes (Y/n) to the lab to fix her arm.
"She will be fine Raph." Mikey said. I nodded.
"What do we do?" Leo asked.
"What can we do? We aren't ready to take on Shredder and the only two who even stand the smallest chance of beating him is (Y/n) and Luke. And (Y/n)s arm is broke. "I said.
"The best thing we should do is wait." I turned to see Luke.
We then nodded in agreement

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