Chapter 17.5 : Persuading

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"Raph-Gah!" I moan as he kisses my neck all over. He moves down to my lower neck and bit down softly. "Raphie..." I blush and he smirks against my neck
"Hehe" He picks me up bridle style and carries me back to the lair and into his room.
"R-" I was once cut off again by his lips. He put me on the bed and climbs on top of me.
"Raph I...can't..."
"I know...I won't...go to far."
I nod and he moves his hands up and down my sides smirking as I blush. He leans down and kisses behind my ear. I felt something weird when he did. Like I was losing all control. "R-Raph" he smirks knowing he has found a big weakness of mine. He pulls my shirt up half way exposing my (s/c) [Skin Color] belly. He starts kissing my stomach. I start laughing. "Th-that t-tickles. " I say though my laughter. He smirks and takes my shirt off. I gasp and cover my chest. "R-Raphael!"
"What?" He says laughing.
"G-give me my shirt!" I go to grab my shirt but he tosses it on the floor.
"No so fast,(Y/N)."
He then smirks and trails his hand up my stomach closer and closer to my bar. He smirks and starts to touch me until the door swings open
"Raph I wa- WHAT THE HECK?!"
I scream along with a frightened Mikey. I cover myself with Raphs bed covers.
"MIKEY IM GONNA KILL YOU! " Raph then jumped up and started chasing Mikey. I got my shirt and put it on walking out of Raphs room
"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Leo yelled as the others ran.
Donnie tackled Raph to stop him from hurting Mikey
"Mikey-Boo!" Joy yelled to Mikey and ran into his arms
"Raph was on top of her and her shirt was off. He was ra-"
Donnie covered Mikey's mouth as everyone facepalmed.
"So you were gonna get some, (Y/N)? " Cassie asked and smirks.
"What's going on why is everyone yelling? !"
"N-no reason Master Splinter." We all said...except for Mikey
"RAPH WAS GONNA RAPE (Y/N)!" Everyone froze. Splinter was had a 'wtf ' look on his face that turned into anger.
"I gotta go Bye!" I started to run and Raph joined me as Splinter chased after us both.
"FOR WHA- AH!" I tripped Raph and he was getting dragged by his bandana back to the lair by Master Splinter.

_5 hrs later_
I back at the lair. And Raph still hadn't come out of the Dojo...finaly he crawled out.
"Why...Why trip me?" He says shaking
"I had to...I didn't...want to end up were you are right now."
"I feel...nothing..."
"I'm sorry Raph. "
"No your not "
"Yeah your right I'm not..."

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