Chapter 20: Saving Raph

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I and the turtles run to Shredders lair to save Raph ,Slash,and Dr.Rockwell. We went in looking around the big lair. Till we heard Raph fighting. We ran in to see him on top of Shredder.
"Finish him Raph!" I yell.
Raph lets Shredder stand up.
"Hello Daughter." I growled and saw Raph turn no no! Not him!
"Oh you noticed his mind control? I'll give him back for a cost."
I looked at him
"No (Y/N ) don't! " Leo said but I stepped forward.
"What is it?"
"You can see the futuer. Show tell me how to kill Master Splinte. If not I'll kill this young girl and boy "
"No n-" My eyes widen.
"NOW,NOW No yelling my dear." I growled.
"Now if you want your friends back you will tell me how to kill Splinter." Wait...where is cassie. He has Joy, James...but not
"I can't you k-"
"That's an excuse! I don't do that kill the girl,Tigerclaw!"
"NO!!!!!" I screamed and ran to stop Tigerclaw but I was hit back by Slash...No...I...she...
"She...She...She..." Everyone was in shock...
"Is dead." Shredder said.
I couldn't move I was shaking. Millions of thoughts going through my head...I... what have I done...she is gone because of me..this is my fault.
"Now tell me or I'll kill the boy!"
"I-I-I" I couldn't manage a word.
Shredder nodded at Tigerclaw.
"Than tell me!"
"You know what I actually believe you. "
I sigh in relief. But it soon turns into a scream as Tigerclaw plunges his sword into James back and drops him on the floor.
"ATTACK MY MUTANTS!" Yelled Shredder
"LETS END THIS GUYS!" Yelled Leo as the turtles, Leatherhead, Pigeon Pete,and I run at Shredders forces. As they clash I jump up and go strait for Shredder. "IM GONNA KILL YOU IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO!!"
I say as I draw my Tessen out going to hit him

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