Chapter 22: Code Red

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I felt someone hugging me...Raph.
"(Y/N) i-"
"No Raph Stop right there...I have to make a call." I said through sobs and I took out my phone. I dialed the number.
"Hey (Y/N)."
"Code R-Red, Fabian." I said still crying.
I could hear his voice was cracking, "w-what? No I do-"
"FABIAN THEY ARE GONE OK! Cassie,Joy,and James..."
"...Y-y....You know what to do."
"Yes...see you soon."
I then hung up the phone.
"What's a code red?" Leo asked softly. I started crying more.
"W-w-when your t-te-team is-is g-gone." I said as Raph pulled me into a hug and wiping my tears away.
"I have you...shh, I got you baby." He said soft and tenderly.
This is all my fault...all of it.

I moved out of Raphs arms.
"Where are you goin?"
I didn't answer I kept walking

_Raph POV_
(Y/N) didn't answer me and kept walking off.
"Leo you take the others back to the lair I'm gonna follow (Y/N) ok?"
For once I and Leo agreed on something he took off back to the lair as I followed (Y/N).

_Your POV_
I arrived at the lair...and it's empty. I usually am greeted with a tackle hug from Joy.... Cassie would ask me why I was a minute late. Then James will be bugging me about new plans of his. We never thought a Code Red would happen. In that case we would bury the team...but if we didn't have the bodies we would go get an item of theirs.
I went in Cassies' room first. I looked around and found a necklaces of hers. I picked it up and then headed to Joys' room. I looked around searching for an item of hers she loved. I then found Joys favorite book. She always told me about it. I picked it up and carried the necklaces and the book with me. I then walked into James' room. I looked around. I then found a bracelet of his. I remember it He wore it all the time. Then he lost it. But I found it. I smile as tears fall down my cheeks. "Found your bracelet James.." I mumbled to myself and walked out seeing Raph.
"Raph...just please leave me alone...I need to be alone..."
"I just want to be here for you (Y/N)...."
I nodded. "I know."
"So why do you have that stuff in your hands?"
"Tomorrow the whole Resistance is going to met in the Middle Territory and have a ceremony for....them...and so since I don't have...their...b-bodies I have precious possession of there's... you and the others are welcome to come..."
"I will for you and so will my brothers...want me to spend the night?"
"No I want to be alone. "
"....I'll be back at first light." He said and I nodded as I watched him walk away.
I sit down on the couch laying back closing my eyes as millions of memories came to me. Good fun memories...I smiled a little as I fell asleep.

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